Help for Praying During the Pandemic

While one may think a worldwide pandemic like Coronavirus would help me pray, I found I was struggling to talk to God.

I wanted to talk to God.

Telling Him all my fears and feelings, my hopes and frustrations sounded like exactly what I needed. But whenever I thought about it, Instagram felt easier.

What’s Wrong With That?

Nothing. And everything.

Social media isn’t a bad place. In fact, I use Instagram and Facebook to encourage YOU! But when we turn to social media to avoid connecting with God, that’s when we miss out.

Why Do We Avoid God?

Truthfully, there are dozens of reasons. Sometimes, I don’t want to put in the effort. I know God doesn’t require huge amounts of effort for us to come to Him, but it does take being intentional.

Other times, I want to escape. I don’t want to think and Netflix and ice cream are more than happy to help.

While understanding why we avoid God can help, it’s more important to look at how to stop avoiding God.

What Should I Do?


I know that sounds simple, but sometimes just starting with His name is enough. Start somewhere, no matter how small or imperfect you think it is. Then ask God to help you build on that.

God wants to connect with you! He is more than willing to meet you where you are and help you.

What About Hard Seasons?

Isn’t that the heart of it? As I type this we have been home for over three weeks because of the Coronavirus Pandemic. I thought that would drive me straight to God, making me want to talk to Him through it all.

Instead, I found that I struggled with my thoughts and feelings so much I couldn’t even figure out how to talk to Him. Or if I really wanted to. I wasn’t sure how much He could help.

Yes, I am fully aware that it sounds awful to admit that, but it’s true. Sometimes the hard things we face seem too big for God. I’m glad things aren’t always what they seem.

How Can I Change Things?

Beyond the idea of starting with His name, there are two things we can do that make a difference:

  • Be honest
  • Declare truth

Being honest with God with all our feelings helps us process them WITH God instead of on our own. Doesn’t that sound better than going it alone?

Declaring truth is what reminds our hearts and minds of who God is and His faithfulness. It reestablishes the foundation our souls crave.

Here’s Some Help

This process can feel especially hard when we’re facing challenges like this. That’s why I created something to help us. And it’s FREE.

Praying Through Covid is a simple guided journal to help you connect with God during the pandemic.

Start connecting with God today. Download your free journal now.

Don't miss this free printable to help you pray during hard seasons.
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Author: Rebecca Hastings

Rebecca is a writer and speaker encouraging women to find real faith that works in real life. A wife and mother of three in Connecticut, she can often be found typing words, driving her kids places or wherever there is chocolate.

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