• Walk Through The Hard

    I stood over the kitchen sink, scrubbing furiously. The pan had old pieces of food baked on and I wanted to get through the dishes because I wanted it done. I was willing to put in the work, but I wasn’t getting the results I was looking for. The burned on pieces held strong, and

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  • Help for Praying During the Pandemic

    While one may think a worldwide pandemic like Coronavirus would help me pray, I found I was struggling to talk to God. I wanted to talk to God. Telling Him all my fears and feelings, my hopes and frustrations sounded like exactly what I needed. But whenever I thought about it, Instagram felt easier. What’s

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  • When You’re Facing a Storm

    What do we do when life feels busy? How do we hold onto our faith when it seems like everything is chaotic? Finding peace is easier than we think. I had about twelve places to be. Or at least it felt that way. I had work to get done and dinner to make and I’m

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  • 6 Things I Learned This Summer

    While we typically think of summer as a break from learning, this summer taught me some important things about myself, God, and life. The only reason I know this, however, is that I purposed to pay attention. Emily Freeman has been encouraging this little practice, that honestly feels anything but little because it impacts me

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  • 5 Things to Remember About Spring Cleaning

    Our official spring cleaning may be coming to an end, but the real joy is just beginning. Now we get to move forward and live. It sounds easy in black and white, but it may feel anything but easy. Looking deep within is good for us. It’s good to see and reveal what’s been inside under an

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