Rest isn’t always easy to incorporate into your daily life, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. These simple ideas will help you foster a life rich with rest so you can serve God well.
If I see one more post telling me to rest and take care of myself I might explode. (And I’m pretty sure that’s not restful.) I know I need to rest. I understand that rest is good for me, good for my soul, good for my jeans size. (Did I just write that? Apparently, I did.)

The problem isn’t understanding that I need rest. It’s not even finding ideas for how to rest. The problem is making time to rest without feeling shame.
See, when I stop, when I take time out for rest instead of hustle, I feel guilty. There is so much other stuff I should be doing. Rest feels like an unearned luxury that I don’t deserve.
The Truth About Rest
Enough about the feelings, we all know those only tell part of the story. Let’s go to the truth.
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Matthew 11:28-30, MSG
I’ve always loved these verses, and the Message version somehow takes it down to a level that I often need. We can take apart the verses here but notice the main thing Jesus is talking about: REST.
If Jesus took the time to teach about it, I think we should pay attention.
Why We Need to Talk About Rest
Jesus was talking to people just like us. Look at this earlier verse in Matthew 11:
Next Jesus unleashed on the cities where he had worked the hardest but whose people had responded the least, shrugging their shoulders and going their own way.
Matthew 11:20, MSG
Do you ever feel like you work hard, hear what Jesus has to say, and shrug your shoulders going on your own way? I know I do. I hear what He says, but I keep going thinking I know more about what needs to get done in my life. And I know I’m not the only one.
We don’t need to figure out all the things and get everything done on our own. When we start by coming to Jesus for rest, that’s how we learn to get things done, while “living freely and lightly.”
Doesn’t that sound better than being in a constant state of work, work, work, and shame for knowing you should rest, but you can’t seem to make it happen?

What We Can Do About It
First, it starts with coming to Jesus. It really is that simple. Come to Him. In the worn-out, weary, and burned-out moments, come to Him. He knew you would need Him in those moments.
Next, watch Him. How do you do that when He’s not walking here? You read the Word. See how He lived His life. See how He served the Father.
Then, learn. This means it is a process. Try things. See what works. See how things feel. Learn how to work from a place of rest given to you by Jesus.
How I’m Trying to Rest
I’m all about being practical with you. It’s what friends do, after all. That’s why I’m sharing a few ideas that I’m trying to incorporate more rest.
- Sleep: This may sound simple, but sleep is often one of the most overlooked ways to get rest.
- Water: I’m at my best when I’m rested and hydrated. Simple body care goes a long way (our bodies are a temple, after all.)
- Movement: I’m not talking about exercise. I’m talking about moving my body in ways that feel good, that stretch me, that wake up those feel-good endorphins. God made that whole system, so we should use it.
- People: I get overwhelmed in groups, but intentional time with people that I’m close to always feeds my soul. Fun tip, you can combine this with movement. Or cookies. Cookies is my preferred method.
- Relaxing: This varies depending on what you like. Today, I’m going to try and watch this movie with my middle school daughter because she has an early dismissal. Other times it means reading a book (here are some of my favorites!)
- Music: Worship music always has a way of calming my worn-out soul, even if I’m not really listening. It changes the atmosphere around me. Want to learn more?
Remember, these all come after going to God. You can skip that step, and these ideas will help temporarily. But they will never give you the rest you receive by starting with coming to the Lord.
Start with Jesus and explore the rest with Him. He will help you find the rest that’s good for you, good for your soul, and maybe even good for your jeans size. He promises.
Want to learn more about the resources I mentioned?
- My favorite water bottle and my newest favorite tea
- If I can’t have cookies, I love to share this treat
- Farm to Fork to Love movie
- Favorite books
- Free 10-day worship challenge