I stood over the kitchen sink, scrubbing furiously. The pan had old pieces of food baked on and I wanted to get through the dishes because I wanted it done. I was willing to put in the work, but I wasn’t getting the results I was looking for. The burned on pieces held strong, and I became frustrated.
“You should let it soak. Just overnight.” My husband offered.
I don’t want to let it soak. I thought. I want to be done with this.

How often do I feel this way in my life?
I want to be done. Done with struggle or an issue or a project or the laundry. Just done. So, I work and I work and I wind myself up tight fighting for my way, my timetable.
But maybe the best thing to do is let it soak.
I scrubbed more and finally relented, filling the pan and walking away. In the morning, I picked up the pan, doubtful, and quite honestly wanting to be right. But the food that held on so tight now slid off and I could wash it and be done.
What areas of our lives do we just need to let soak?
There are things that I force, that I strive for and get myself all wound up until my shoulders are high and my hands are clenched.
Maybe the answer isn’t in our striving. Maybe the answer is in the waiting. The soaking in the thing that will seep into our inner parts and bring release.

When we soak in Jesus, He will do the heavy lifting for us. We need only let Him.

I share your pain! I want to be done with the hard tasks. But you’re so right. Letting hard things sit brings about new ideas, transitions, and allows the Holy Spirit time to work on our hearts.
That Holy Spirit work is so good and important!
I love this for so many reasons – 1) because I had to learn that the most beautiful part of living happens in the wait of the prayer sent out – I had to learn to let go and let “it” soak – and trust He would take care of it. I think that’s one of the greatest lessons we call need to learn – I know it was one of mine. 2) I recently learned how to clean a frying pan that has burnt stuff on it – pour water on it while hot – and WaaLa! It just comes right off – wish I could figure out a way to do that with baking dishes – so needless to say, you caught me with scrubbing a pan with stuff that didn’t want to come off! Thank you for your message- and the vehicle you used! It blessed my day.
So grateful we can encourage one another in this! It’s a hard place to be, but giving permission to wait is good for us both!
I loved this! You’re so right! I’m learning to do this but you put it into words that helped me to see that this is something God is teaching me.
It’s not easy, but it’s good to know we’re not alone 🙂