The 8 Things I Want To Be

I started making a list of all the things I want to do. Places to go. Things to see. Dreams and goals and all the things. It felt like I would never stop writing. I needed something deeper. Something that wasn’t about tasks, but about the person behind the task. So, I changed the list.

I made a list of all the things I want to be.

Some of the things may seem silly. Others will make you wonder why I ever wrote that for people to read. One thing is for sure: they are honest.

The 8 Things I Want to Be

1. A fantastic wife who cooks, cleans, looks gorgeous and initiates lots of sex.

2. The mom who is patient and fun, laughs a lot, gives great hugs and snuggles, reads all the time and makes her kids feel loved. Always.

3. A Christian who knows the God and the Word, reads it every day, prays deep and listens to God while loving others well.

4. A woman who is fit and healthy, well dressed with great hair. Wears lipstick and heels on a Tuesday.

5. A friend who has time for her friends, feels loved by each one and lives life together.

6. A writer with actual print books that make a difference, a dedicated tribe, and great headshots.

7. The kind of sister who is close with her siblings, sees them all the time, and has tons of inside jokes.

8. A daughter who honors her parents, loves them well, and makes time for them often.

Easy, right?

Am I Crazy? Probably.

Maybe you’re laughing and nodding in agreement. Maybe you think I’m crazy. Maybe you’re making your own list.

The truth is, we all have lists. Unspoken expectations of who we think we should be. And somehow we think to ourselves, unless we can be all of these things, we’ve failed.

We set out chasing versions of who we think we should be instead of who God calls us to be. Click To Tweet

And it is just too much.

Too much worrying, thinking, not quite cutting it. Too much pressure, comparison, berating ourselves. The list can be exhausting.

Nothing on that list is bad. Some of it may be different for each of us, but nothing I wrote is a negative, bad thing that I’m aspiring to. But we can’t do it all. We were never called to, and we will never be, all the things on our lists. 

Did You Make a List?

We are running like hamsters on a wheel, constantly looking around us to make sure we’re keeping up.

We can set out chasing who we think we want to be or we can chase God and let Him show us who we are. We cannot do both. Click To Tweet

What is on your list? Write it down. Really think about it and be honest.

Now ask yourself this question: Will God love me more if I become all the things on my list?

Come close, friend, so you can hear the answer. No.


Maybe we need to stop looking at who we think we want to be, and instead focus on who God is.

What do you want to be?

#goals #wife #mom #christian #writer #dreamer #hopes #faith #loved

Author: Rebecca Hastings

Rebecca is a writer and speaker encouraging women to find real faith that works in real life. A wife and mother of three in Connecticut, she can often be found typing words, driving her kids places or wherever there is chocolate.

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