• Are You On the Right Team?

    I’ve never really understood sports. I get the concept of the games, but cheering for one side baffles me. Is that weird? I always seem to find myself wondering if I’m on the right side. My son plays basketball. It’s a rec team and every Saturday he faces off against a friend or two on

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  • 5 Things I’m Done Apologizing For

    I’ve spent a lot of my life apologizing. And I’m not talking about the true “I’m sorry” when I’ve done something wrong. I have apologized for things I was never meant to apologize for, things that are not wrong. And I it’s time I stop. Here are 5 things I’m done (or I want to

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  • You Have More Control Than You Think

    Control is not an easy topic for me.  It falls into place with things like burned cookies, too tight jeans, and deep things like worry and insecurity. Control is hard for me because it’s something I struggle with. Something I see in myself but I don’t like about myself.  On the outside control seems like

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  • Stop Living in the Middle

    Have you ever taken one of those online or magazine surveys? The ones where you circle or click where you fall on a scale of 0-10 to learn about who you are? I looked at the list of survey questions in front of me. It was a survey about life, something rather generic. But I

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  • When You Want to be Someone You’re Not

    I always wanted to be on the worship team. I wanted to stand up there with a keyboard or a guitar and lead people into the presence of God. Actually, that sounds a lot holier than it really is. Here’s the truth. I wanted the part. If church were a movie, I wanted to play

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  • When You Feel Invisible

    I walked into the little market and immediately saw three people I knew. They were perfectly pleasant people, always friendly in the past. Busy with their work and conversations, I headed over to the soup comfortably minding my own business. I wasn’t sure how to go forward. It’s that moment when I wonder if I

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  • Are You Following a Bootstrap Gospel?

    I follow a writer online. Her name doesn’t really matter because there are quite a few people online with a similar message: YOU CAN DO IT! Do you know anyone like that? I’m going to call her X in this post, for ease and so that there really isn’t any hint as to who she

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