Run Your Race

I was so excited to get together and catch up with a friend recently. We are purposing to make time for one another, even though it’s hard, because we know it’s worth it. I enjoyed our visit, but one little thing left me feeling lousy the rest of the weekend. 


What I thought the problem was.

This friend and I are both working toward similar goals. We’re both trying to be healthier. Yes, part of that is losing weight, but it’s more than that. It’s been great to have someone to chat with about it. Until she told me how much weight she’d lost.

My number was nowhere near hers. Double digit difference here. Suddenly, the number I was so excited about the day before felt pitiful. And I quickly moved from feeling disappointed in my number to feeling disappointed in me.

I floundered. I wondered what I was supposed to do. Maybe I should do what she’s doing. Maybe I should be more like her. Maybe I should do something different. Maybe I should be someone different.

I wanted so deeply to just feel pure joy for my friend, but I was too wrapped up in my own insecurity.

What the problem actually was.

My yellow brick road looked a lot less shiny when I looked over at hers. And I found myself wanting to stop walking all together. I wanted to give up.

Maybe I was never supposed to look over at her path. The comparison game damages us more than the people we are looking at.

The moment we take our eyes off the path God has for us, we set ourselves up to stumble. At times our path may not make sense. It may not look as pretty as the one next to us or like it’s getting us as far. That does not decrease the value and significance of our own path.

God doesn't compare our unique path to anyone else; why should we? Click To Tweet

What we can do about it.

God calls us to do the best we can and run the race before us, whatever that may look like.

We can cheer one another on, but never at the expense of our own race. God has a unique purpose for each of us. When we try to be someone else we miss the beauty of all He has for us.

Run your race today, friend. Run well and run hard. Walk or crawl if you have to, but always run your race.

Are you really doing what God has called you to? His unique call for you? Or are you looking at everyone around you trying to keep up?

Author: Rebecca Hastings

Rebecca is a writer and speaker encouraging women to find real faith that works in real life. A wife and mother of three in Connecticut, she can often be found typing words, driving her kids places or wherever there is chocolate.

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