Put Your Faith Into Action

Last week we talked about whether we forgot what Jesus called us to. It not easy to think about, but it is right.

Here’s reminder:

image credit: etsy

Those four words

Four words that look so innocent are some of the hardest things Jesus has called me to do. Even with His assurance to be with us, it can feel uncomfortable to go, make, baptize and teach. Even when I read the words again I think big.

What I think

When I see GO, I think Africa.

When I see MAKE, I think a congregation.

When I see BAPTIZE, I think of a river full of people.

When I see TEACH, I see a pulpit facing endless rows of people.

What if it’s not what He’s asking us to do that’s hard? What if it’s our interpretation? I don’t see anywhere in the verses where it gives the same pictures I have. I just see the verbs.

We can start small

So, is it possible to start small? Does that make it any less obedient?

What if GO means to go your neighbor just to share a batch of cookies?

What if MAKE means encouraging a lonely friend to seek God?

What if BAPTIZE means one single person?

What if TEACH means by example rather than on a stage?

Are these any less significant?

Let’s give it a try

If God has called you to Africa or a pulpit, then do that. But if this whole action idea feels new and uncomfortable just start.

Start small and see where God takes you. Even the biggest fire begins with a spark.

Make a spark.

We all have the ability to Do Something. What will you do today?

Put your faith into action today! It's simpler than you think! 
#faith #kindness #teach #hospitality #missions #church #christian

Author: Rebecca Hastings

Rebecca is a writer and speaker encouraging women to find real faith that works in real life. A wife and mother of three in Connecticut, she can often be found typing words, driving her kids places or wherever there is chocolate.

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  • Yes couldn’t agree more, our faith is activated when we act – and firmly believe the best thing is just to take one step where you are, Thanks for the reminder.

  • Thank you for this reminder! Sometimes, our small actions can feel inadequate. It’s not about making the grandest gesture, but moving forward, even one step at a time, in obedience. Appreciate you sharing this!

  • I remember how frightened I was as a child because I wanted to follow Jesus, but NOT to Africa! For me, living out these verbs with my neighbor is just as hard as going to a foreign country, mostly because I forget.

  • Thank you for sharing your thoughts and encouragement. Yes, I agree about taking the small steps. Even though I did `go` far away to another country, now in that country it is still about… kindness to a neighbor and those acts that might be `small` but are significant in the eyes of heaven. These are things I am now learning too!! Blessings !!

  • Even the smallest steps could start a chain reaction. I’m not called to preach. But I believe I was called to encourage, sharing Jesus and His saving grace along the way. Through my blog I can witness for Him and touch the lives of others. I even met a wonderful man in Africa. But the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. That step is something I can do. We all can.

  • Yes! Sometimes, we think big or not at all, but God is saying ‘do not despise small beginnings.’ Thanks for the reminder to take that first, small step in faith and to trust God for the fruit.

  • Sometimes it’s easy to put these instructions off because we’re waiting for the big call, the big moment. But we need grace to see and then do what’s at hand.

  • Rebecca, this reminds me of the title of Emily Freeman’s book, “The Next Right Thing.” If we do that, our path will keep unfolding before us, I think. And you’re right … the next things don’t have to be big; they very often are exactly the opposite.