Life Is Not For The Faint of Heart

Can we agree that this whole life thing is hard? Sometimes it’s just uncomfortable sliver under the skin hard, but other times it’s knock the wind out of you fall to your knees hard. And it can be the most unexpected things that remind us.

What Makes Life Hard

Maybe it’s a diagnosis that leaves you asking why.

It could be a loss that feels like an endless pit.

Maybe it’s another bill that you just can’t figure out where the money will come from.

Perhaps its making a hard choice for someone who is unable to.

Remember, hard things come in all shapes and sizes. And sometimes we think our hard doesn’t matter because it’s not as hard as someone else’s hard. It’s not starvation or homelessness. It’s not third world. But the first world is not always easy either and God cares about your hard just as much someone else’s hard.

Even if my hard looks different from your hard. My hard even looks different from my own day-to-day. But that doesn’t change how it feels. And it doesn’t change where it comes from.

God Uses Hard Things

Just because it’s hard doesn’t mean God doesn’t use it. He carried His own cross (and I’m guessing it was no picnic). Yet it was still God’s will and it was still good.

Sometimes God gives us hard things. Sometimes He simply allows hard things. Either way, He doesn’t leave our side. We never have to do the hard things alone. And we never have to do hard things in our strength. It’s always been about God.

We can do the hard thing in front of us because of who He is and who He made us to be. It’s really that simple.

When It Feels Like It’s Too Much

Just tell God. That’s it. Talk to God about all the things that feel hard. The things that feel hard across the globe and in your kitchen. The things that feel hard in your community and in your heart. God is already here for it. He already knows what’s going on. Talking to Him helps remind you that He’s in this with you. That’s why it helps you let go of the white knuckle grip you hold, inviting you to release things into His hands.

He’s ready. Are you?

Author: Rebecca Hastings

Rebecca is a writer and speaker encouraging women to find real faith that works in real life. A wife and mother of three in Connecticut, she can often be found typing words, driving her kids places or wherever there is chocolate.

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