• Let’s Talk About Grace in the New Year

    The new year is always a bit of a struggle, but not in the way you’d expect. I love goals. The idea of checking lists and achieving things comes naturally to me. (That’s not to say it is easy, believe me!) It’s just the way my brain works.

    The thing that’s not so easy for me? Grace. That’s what I need to be intentional about.

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  • What Happens When You Forget to Pray

    Do you ever forget to pray? I have. Many times. Whether we forget to pray for a day or for a decade, we can always start again. Having kids made me pray in ways I never imagined. Not elaborate prayers, but more desperate prayers. Prayers that came from a place of knowing that I can’t

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  • Are You Too Busy to Meditate on God’s Word?

    Making time to meditate on God’s Word may feel impossible, but it can change everything! Sarah Geringer shares her story and some ideas about how to meditate on the Bible without feeling overwhelmed. Are you too busy to meditate on God’s Word? I’ll answer this for you…no, you aren’t. That’s because this ancient spiritual discipline

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  • 5 Quick Prayers to Help You Really Connect with God

    These quick prayers will help you connect with God even when you aren’t sure what to say. Sometimes I don’t know what to say to God. That’s hard to admit because it feels like I’m always supposed to know. I’m a Christian and he’s God, so it should be simple. But sometimes it’s not. I

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  • Do You Want More Prayer in Your Life?

    I’ve never really felt like I got prayer right. I know prayer isn’t a right and wrong. I know that it is as simple as talking to God. But when it comes to prayer, something inside me has always wondered, am I doing this right? I’ve been a Christian since I was 11. Thirty years

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  • Where Is God When Things Don’t Work Out?

    There are headaches and there are heartaches. We are fine with grabbing two white pills for our head, but what do we do when our heart hurts? What do we do when the floor drops out and we feel alone? There was a ride at the fair that I used to love. It was a

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  • 3 Ways to Simplify Your Life & Your Faith

    Have you been feeling the need to simply your life and your faith? I’ve been in a strange place lately, but then again, haven’t we all? (Thank you 2020.) Life feels a bit chaotic in my head. There are probably no less than 100 reasons why, so the details don’t matter as much as this

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