
  • Stop Saying This Word

    I caught myself today. Much like recently when I was brushing my teeth, except this time I was out for a walk. Today the thoughts were running ahead of me. (Even when I manage to be quiet, sometimes the thoughts run like that ticker at the bottom of the news screen, never-ending and lacking the substance

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  • Building Faith as a Family

    I have ideas in my head of what a Christian family looks like, of what they should act like. Sometimes my family hits the mark. Other times we are way off. Am I the only one? I want my family to grow closer to the Lord together, but sometimes I don’t know how. Instead of

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  • Favorite Holiday Books

    As the holidays draw closer, here are some of my favorite books to share with your family, to give as gifts, or to enjoy for yourself. There’s something magical about reading books around the holidays. It quiets us, slows things down and can even remind us of what really matters. When my kids were little we

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  • 6 Things I Learned this Fall

    There’s something magical about seasons. Some of it has to do with the weather, but more of it has to do with my heart. Today, let’s join Emily Freeman and appreciate the things, both big and small, that I learned this fall. I thrive on deadlines I’ve always known this to be true, it’s part

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  • 3 Things You Should Know This Holiday

    The calendar squares are moving forward, faster and faster it seems, and the holidays are on the horizon. There could be family time and fantastic food, or a shift worked like any other day. Maybe you’re anticipating tension or drama that no turkey or twinkly lights can outweigh. Whether the holiday weighs heavy for you

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  • 2 Steps to Gratitude (A Photo Challenge)

    It’s a busy week. Thanksgiving. Things to cook, house to clean, travel arrangements, people. Busy. But what if we stopped for just a minute? We can turn our heart around with just one choice, one click of the shutter. I love the lofty ideas of listing our blessings by the thousand, the picture perfect circle around

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  • When Life Feels Too Busy

    I glanced at the calendar hanging on the wall and I wanted to go back to bed and pull the covers over my head. The day and the week and the month were full of everyone’s things. Sports, meetings, school events, dinners, holidays…all good things. But if they’re so good then why do they make

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  • How to Be Grateful (When It Feels Really Hard)

    #30daysofgratitude #thankful #1000gifts It all sounds great, right? It’s easy to want to be grateful. But what about when her house looks so much better than yours? Or when you see the pictures from that other family’s fantastic tropical vacation? Or when she has that great new designer bag and yours is from Walmart? Or maybe it’s even harder. A sick

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  • 5 Ways to Find Peace in a Busy Season

    Have you ever felt busy? Really, really busy? I stood in front of the fridge and stared at the calendar the other day. Yes, I still use a paper calendar, partly because I’m visual and partly because I just can’t seem to get 100% on board with the digital ones. (I love this one, by the

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  • When You’re Facing a Storm

    What do we do when life feels busy? How do we hold onto our faith when it seems like everything is chaotic? Finding peace is easier than we think. I had about twelve places to be. Or at least it felt that way. I had work to get done and dinner to make and I’m

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