While we typically think of summer as a break from learning, this summer taught me some important things about myself, God, and life. The only reason I know this, however, is that I purposed to pay attention.
Emily Freeman has been encouraging this little practice, that honestly feels anything but little because it impacts me so much.

I say little only because it seems to fit into the little, quiet crevices of my mind. Remember those places? It’s easy to lose track of them. But when you explore them, look for them, keep your eyes open to them, you will be amazed at what you find.
And hearing what someone else learned may spark something beautiful that you have learned, too.
Here are 6 things I learned this summer:
Themes work well for me.
I do well with a plan. I stay motivated. I stay on track. The theme for the summer of favorite things helped me so much in my work. Things like this helped me have a great summer with my people. And this helps me read more purposefully.
My progress isn’t linear.
Don’t get me wrong, I want it to be. But the reality is it will never be. My guess is none of us are completely linear. I’m learning to embrace softer edges (in so many ways.)

Appreciate what you’ve done.
I’m looking back at what I’ve done. Without apology. Without listing all the things I could have done, should have done or wish I did better.
You do a lot of things. And we are so busy moving on to the next one that we never fully appreciate and recognize what we have accomplished.
I’m taking a breath and allowing my accomplishments bring a smile to my face, a drop to my shoulders, and an exhale to my lungs. It feels wonderful.
It’s okay to be quiet.
It really is as simple as that. I don’t have to have an answer, response or witty comeback for everything. There is value in quiet. It helps my soul breathe.

God always answers.
But it is rarely in a way I expect. I know this to be true, but too often I don’t recognize it until I’m looking in the rear-view mirror. Now I’m on the lookout for it, hoping to see it as it happens.
Iced Tea can preach.
I love a lightly sweetened iced tea in the summer. Bonus points if it’s green tea or fruity. And while it’s super fun to get one at the local coffee shop, it’s far cheaper brew my own or to pick some up at the store and keep in the fridge. (Like this favorite I’ve mentioned before.)
This Honest Tea fits the bill perfectly, plus it taught me something I needed to know: “Small decisions. Big impact.” It says it right there on the side of the bottle. And it was exactly the reminder that this girl needed.
What about you, friend? Tell me something you’ve learned this summer!

Check out these great sites I’m linking up with: Literacy Musing Mondays, Purposeful Faith, Tea & Word Tuesday, Abounding Grace, Tell His Story, Porch Stories, Let’s Have Coffee, Worth Beyond Rubies, Moments of Hope, Tune in Thursday, Dance with Jesus, Fresh Market Friday, Faith ‘n Friends, Blogger Voices Network, Grace & Truth, Heart Encouragement
I’m learning the grace of slowing down. I’d like to say “I’ve LEARNED” that this summer, but it’s still very much a work in progress…
And I really liked your Best Of series, too.
Thanks sweet friend! I had a lot of fun focusing on things that bring me joy! And believe me — I’m still quite a work on progress!
The opportunity to breathe and look back is not something that we usually take time for, except when we are picking our own or someone else’s mistakes apart. This is a great reminder! It’s in those moments when you are most likely to see all of the answers to prayer that you can so easily overlook.
I agree 100%! He answers so many things, and I just move on, forgetting the wonder and beauty of all He does.
Sounds like you’ve learned valuable lessons this Summer! 🙂 Thank you for sharing!
Each season has new lessons!
I think something I’ve been learning this summer is simple patience – not the kind you need for long lines in the grocery store or frustrating days at work, but the kind you need when you’re waiting for God to answer a long-time prayer. I’ve been learning to just be still and rest in the waiting instead of pacing and frantically trying to make His answer appear sooner than He wants it to.
What a sweet lesson to learn. That ability to rest in Him and have faith that He will answer is a true gift!
I absolutely love this post!
Thanks Linda! 🙂
This summer did NOT turn out at all like I had expected. I had made fun summer plans and on Memorial Day we discovered a major leak that had already caused A LOT of damage in our home. For two months we went through water mitigation, demolition and ripping out of floors and cabinets, living in a mess, having to be out of our home for two weeks, and then having to move back into our home (lots of boxes and unpacking). I learned that we make plans and God probably just smiles. Then I just recently tore another meniscus in my knee and I am in the uncertainty of not knowing if surgery is around the bend or not. I am having to learn to trust that there is “purpose here in the madness”. I have had to surrender any semblance of control and learn to go with the flow and celebrate the good moments when they happen. Praying for an uneventful Fall!!
Bev xx
I am right there, praying with you friend for a quiet fall for you and your family!
I have for sure learned this summer that God always answers AND He answers on time. Not early. Never late. Always on time. 🙂
Pinned & tweeted.
Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
His timing is always so much better than anything I could come up with!
I love themes, too. It must be the neglected schoolteacher in me that I tend to keep silent:) (all the sweet, themed back to school rooms lately make me giddy!) And, I’m right there with you and brewing tea at home. Brilliant!
I was a teacher years ago, and my favorite part of the whole year was setting up the classroom! If I could just set up classrooms that would be lovely!
Rebecca, this is both fun and insightful. We are kindred spirits in wanting linear progress, but the realization that it never happens is the best way to embrace those softer edges you mention. And my other favorite thing is how it’s okay to be quiet!
I love knowing I’m not the only one! 🙂
I’m a theme girl, too. It helps me stay at least semi-focused. 🙂
“It’s okay to be quiet.” I need to remind myself of that frequently because I can feel self-conscious about being too quiet. Love what you’re learning, Rebecca. Thanks for sharing it with us! Something I’m learning? I’m on vacation with my husband this week, and I’ve asked him again and again as we travel from place to place: “Have we been on this road yet?” I obviously like to know when something is new so I can pay closer attention. 🙂
I love that! I’m famous for thinking I’ve never been on a road, when, in fact, I have (sometimes multiple times!) I hope you have a wonderful time with your husband as you explore new and familiar places!
So good that you could learn more about yourself and God. I live in Australia, so we’re just finishing winter – but this winter I’ve learned to care more about what God thinks of me than what other people think of me.
What a beautiful thing to learn! And Australia is such a special place. I spent a summer (U.S.)/ winter (AUS) working at a camp in New Zealand and Australia when I was 15. I loved it so much!
I learned a lot of things. One of them is how much I enjoy reading your words!
You’re very sweet, Susan! I always love crossing paths with you 🙂
Loved this post, Rebecca. I have been thinking about writing for Emily’s “What I Learned” series too. I am not sure if I will or not, but I enjoyed reading yours. Loved what you learned from the lid of a bottle of tea!
I really enjoy Emily’s link up. It’s a great way to spend some time thinking about the season as I get ready to move on to the next!
Iced tea can preach. Love it! You are a wise women who learned and shared some good lessons this summer.
It’s funny, God can (and will) use anything to get our attention! Thank you for your kind words!
Great post!! One of the things I have learned this summer is sometimes the best laid plans can fall apart and you have to lean on and trust God to carry you through it. My plans amount to nothing when God has other ones! LOL I have had to learn to lean on Him more and more and just say “Here am I, send me!” Thank you for linking up @worthbeyondrubies
You have had quite the summer of learning! Praying God keeps showing you His faithfulness every step of the way!
sometimes we need quiet time to reflect on our thoughts.
Yes! I used to think of quiet, thoughtful time as a waste. But God is showing me how valuable it is. That’s why I usually don’t listen to music or podcasts when I go for a walk. God always shows me something when I’m quiet enough to listen.
I love your lessons, Rebecca. Especially the one about God always answering. So true!
Thanks Lois. Sometimes I don’t see it, but I’m learning to be on the lookout!
Great post. I too learned God Always Answers. Thanks for linking up at the #GatheringofFriendsLinkParty 5
A good lesson to learn indeed!
May I can relate to that “Progress isn’t linear”. I wish it were but it is so important to acknowledge the progress even if it’s 2 steps forward and 1 step back… that’s still 1 step gained!
Yes! You are absolutely right!
I loved this line, Rebecca: “You do a lot of things. And we are so busy moving on to the next one that we never fully appreciate and recognize what we have accomplished.” I’m learning this, too. And along with it that if I just accomplish a little bit at the time, I’ll look back on a lot.
Yes! It’s amazing how little things add up!
Hi, Rebecca.
This post spoke to me on a lot of levels. I love that we can be quiet-and not just because I’m introverted. Sometimes, words are unnecessary.
I’m learning to accept unwanted changes as part of life’s journey.
Peace and grace,
P.S. Thank you for the tea recipe. 🙂
I’m so glad! And I hope you like the tea — let me know what you think!
I learned that I needed to lean into God and patiently trust Him. I also learned that I need to allow myself to slow down a little and take care of myself with quiet time.
YES! Such good things for us to learn!