Redeeming Love: 5 Powerful Quotes to Grow Your Faith

Redeeming Love is one of the most impactful books I’ve ever read. And it goes deeper than just the great story. It strengthened my faith.

I don’t like to read books multiple times. It might have something to do with how I like to check things off and move on. But there was something about this book that was different. Even my husband noticed.

It was the first few months of our marriage and we were still learning all the little things about living with your new spouse.

  • Some things surprised us: Why would you make the bed that way?
  • Some things caused arguments: Why would you think I could carry a washing machine up three flights of stairs?
  • And some things were completely unexpected: Why are you crying in the bathtub with a book?

As I finished the last pages of Redeeming Love in our tiny yellow bathtub, my new husband knocked on the door worried because I had been in there so long. When he came in and found tears streaming down my cheeks as my wrinkled fingers closed the book, he was more confused than ever.

Have you ever had a book touch you so much you didn’t want it to end?

Redeeming Love was that book for me. Yes, the story was beautifully written and the characters were amazing, but it was the depth of some of the lines that have stayed with me and made me read this book again and again.

It always amazes me how a few words can speak so much if only we will listen.


You are free, you just don’t know it yet.

YES…..this is me, you, all of us. How often do we forget the freedom we have in Christ? Maybe it’s not forgetting, but an inability to fully grasp such extravagance.

I long to know more of that freedom each and every day.


Love cleanses, beloved. It doesn’t beat down. It doesn’t cast blame. My love isn’t a weapon. It’s a lifeline. Reach out and take hold, and don’t let go.

This may be Michael talking to Sarah, but it is really God talking to all of us. How often do we expect anger or disappointment from God? His love is not a weapon. Our only job is to grab it and hold on.

It's more than the story. It's an opportunity to understand more of God's heart for each of us. @FrancineRivers Click To Tweet


I want what you don’t even know you have to give.

This is Michael Hosea to Angel on their first meeting. And I am left speechless, only with exhale. There is so much hope in these words.

The hope that he knows what she can offer more than she can even understand herself is the same hope I have that God knows those things in me that I can’t even imagine. The hope that I have more to give, that I am more than I even know, is scary and beautiful.


She had always seemed so strong. And she was. Strong enough to take unspeakable abuse and survive. Strong enough to adapt to anything. Strong enough to lock herself away inside walls she thought would make her safe.

Michael’s thoughts on Sarah remind me of how often I’ve locked myself inside of walls because it felt safer to be inside something I could control. The fact that Michael was able to see the beauty even in this shows so much love. Love that belongs to each of us.


“Angel, Michael’s still waiting for you to come home.” Her face went deathly white.

“It’s been over three years. He can’t still be waiting.”

“He is.”

No matter how far we’ve gone, no matter how long it’s been, no matter what we’ve done. Remember, God is still there. He is waiting. Not waiting with scorn or judgement. He is waiting for us, His bride, with arms wide open and a heart full of love.

Also, after you read these quotes in Redeeming Love, get this book for another book you’ll fall in love with. You don’t have to read it in the bathtub, but you will definitely want to read it more than once!

If you remember anything about this book, remember these 5 truths. 5 Life Giving Quotes from Redeeming Love by @FrancineRivers Click To Tweet

Order your copy today!

The best books touch your heart. This book is great for summer or any time to bring you hope in your faith while getting lost in a beautiful love story.

Author: Rebecca Hastings

Rebecca is a writer and speaker encouraging women to find real faith that works in real life. A wife and mother of three in Connecticut, she can often be found typing words, driving her kids places or wherever there is chocolate.

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