When I first read You are Free by Rebekah Lyons I knew there were parts that would help you, things that would impact you in deep ways the way they impacted me.
But I needed time. I needed time with those pieces. Time to let them sink and pick them up again. Time to turn them around and around until I understood where they fit in my life.
I’m still discovering how to be who I already am. It’s wonderful and scary and grace-filled. And I’m grateful for every moment in the process.
Here are 5 of my favorite quotes from You Are Free:

“What if your purpose is for me to love you?”
This is my favorite piece of the book.
In a world where we get so caught up in doing more, offering more, being more, I found myself asking:
Can I believe that my reason for existing is to love God and for God to love me?
We make it so much more complicated than it needs to be. The question I ask myself over and over is whether He is enough.
“It took walking through my own wilderness to learn the true source of joy.”
There’s no promise of easy. And usually the easy path doesn’t teach us very much, at least not much that matters. Our wildernesses my look different, but it feels the same…lonely, scary, impossible.
It’s pure Godly juxtaposition that in those places of wilderness we would discover not temporary joy, but the source of joy!
“God doesn’t measure worth in terms of ability, but in terms of identity.”
Did you catch that? Read it again. I’ll wait. This fact is a game changer. It means we can get off the wheel. We can stop running and striving. We can believe who God says we are.

“Confession opens the gates for healing to rush in.”
I’ll be honest here. I want the healing without the confession. The whole idea of confession can feel hard. Understanding that it’s not for some scorecard in heaven, but for freedom to receive His healing makes it easier.
Confession frees up the heart space so there’s room for His healing. Share on X“God cares more about our presence than our performance.”
It’s easy to live life as if we’re on a stage, performing to try to gain applause. Stepping off that stage and being real can be hard, but it is worth it.
God doesn’t need our performance. He just needs us.
I made a note at the end of Chapter 7 that sums up how this book is changing me:
It’s time to reorient my life.
I may not be lost, but I’ve got some work to do. And for once it isn’t a to-do list of how to be a better Christian. It’s a shifting, a focusing, a rediscovering of my true north.
You won’t want to miss this book. Grab a copy here today!