Have you thought about what you learned this summer?
As we do around here each season, I’m spending a bit of time thinking back to what I’ve learned. And because this year has been one for the record books, I’m keeping things short, sweet (mostly) and to the point.

1) I Miss Quiet
I never realized how much I need quiet in my day until my people were around me 24/7. I love them, but I miss quiet.
2) Lists Make Life Easier
And I’m not just talking a To Do list because those have been all over the map this summer. I’m just loving the simplicity of a list over large amounts of text.
Want to combine your faith with lists? Check out this new book my mom sent me! It’s beautiful.

3) Walking Helps All the Things
I don’t love exercise, but every day I take a walk I feel better. Maybe science is right.
4) There Are No Right Decisions
I’ve been waiting to make decisions so I always make the RIGHT ones. There are no right ones. Just what seems right for right now.
5) It’s Enough
Making the right now decisions (right or wrong) is enough because it has to be.
6) A Single Plant Can Make Me Smile
I’m terrible with plants. But I found a few that I don’t seem to kill. The one on my deck makes me smile every time I see it.
(Note to self: Get more than one next year.)

7) I Still Love My Favorite Drink from Last Summer
The drink I learned to make at home last year still makes me happy. And no, it’s not alcoholic. Just summery and delicious. Check it out.
8) I Can Function Even When Life Feels Chaotic
No, that uncertain, chaotic feeling is not my favorite. But I can still exist. I can still love and be loved. I can still grow and learn and rest even when the world around me feels pandemical because this:

9) Prayer Isn’t Complicated
I always make it complicated in my head, but it’s so simple. Just talk. And when you can’t talk. Think. Praise. Exists with Jesus.
10) I’m an Adult
I know this should have been obvious to me (especially after my big birthday last year.) But sometimes things take me a bit to wrap my head around.

Gonna head over to check out your magical drink, but first wanted to leave a virtual hug!
You’re the best! One of these days when life feels a little different, I am just going to declare a road trip to Maine and visit!
It is amazing how every season brings some new lessons and a refresher on old ones too 🙂
Isn’t it?!
I’m a list lover, too. That book is one I’m going to check out! Thanks for sharing what you learned this summer. That plant is so pretty, too.
Thanks friend!
What a fun list! And so true. Now I need to go look up that drink you mentioned.
Yes! Let me know what you think!
I love your list. The book sounds interesting and I love the cover. I am a walker and agree that it is a great perspective changer as well as a good way to breathe deep and soak in God.
Thanks Mary! The book is truly lovely!
As with all your lists, I love this one too, Rebecca. I’ve been more intentional about walking this past month; much of my regular out-and-about walking has been eliminated due to the pandemic so I have to make up for it in other ways.
Sometimes that intentional decision is exactly what we need!
I *love* the last line in your note–God’s kingdom is not in trouble, and neither am I!
I can so identify with #1. I love my family, but I am used to some solitude during the day. I’ve been especially praying for grace in this area.
Praying for you in this!
Wonderful list, Rebecca! Relate to all of them, but especially love what you said here, “Making the right now decisions (right or wrong) is enough because it has to be.”
It’s so easy to get wrapped up on over-analyzing these things, but sometimes we just need to move forward. So grateful for His grace along the way!