• 10 Quick Things I Learned This Summer

    Have you thought about what you learned this summer? As we do around here each season, I’m spending a bit of time thinking back to what I’ve learned. And because this year has been one for the record books, I’m keeping things short, sweet (mostly) and to the point. 1) I Miss Quiet I never

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  • You Can Still Have the Best Summer Ever

    Summer is the great playtime of the year. It’s like recess; a break from the responsibilities. Except when it’s not.  I find myself holding this idea that summer should be FANTASTIC and FUN and SUN. But there’s still laundry and cooking and vacuuming. The bills keep coming and the everyday-ness of life still happens.  How

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  • Favorite Things: Summer Edition

    Summer has a rhythm all it’s own. Schedules relax, days are long, and we have the chance to be bored. It’s delightful. We’re spending our summer sharing our favorite things. (Check out this chocolate edition!) Here are 10 of my favorite things about summer.

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