We finally made time for coffee. I stood in line next to my friend, smiling because it had been months since we had some time together, smiling because I had a break, smiling because it was a cold winter day and a cookie was in my very near future. It felt great.

She asked what we always ask, “How are you?” and I replied, “Good.” And I was . . . if good meant the world wasn’t falling down. And I wondered, When did that become my standard?
I was great, as long as great meant the world wasn't falling down. Don't miss how things changed —> @incourage Share on XWe got our coffee and sat, catching up on life and fielding the random text here or there. And she probed deeper, “How are things with your brother?”
Find out the rest of the story at (in)courage.

Sharing words with these great writers!
Literacy Musing Mondays, Purposeful Faith, Tea & Word Tuesday, Abounding Grace, Trekking Thru, Tell His Story, Porch Stories, Let’s Have Coffee, Worth Beyond Rubies, Moments of Hope, Tune in Thursday, Dance with Jesus, Fresh Market Friday, Faith ‘n Friends, Blogger Voices Network, Grace & Truth, Heart Encouragement
So glad you had the opportunity to share this story over at (in)courage. It has come back to mind over the weekend since reading, so God is still using the truth of it!
That’s awesome to hear! Thank you so much!
Heading over, Rebecca! Can’t wait to read more!
Thanks Beth
Always love reading what you have to say. laurensparks.net
Thanks Lauren! The feeling is mutual!
Amen! There’s nothing more precious than a friend who will come alongside and listen to the burdens we need to share. And all too often we fail to share them, not realizing how much they burden us.
It’s so true! But yet we forget! Glad we can encourage one another!
My heart can relate, Rebecca. This line stayed with me: “what if persevering is not a carrying but a laying down?” I’ll be pondering that today and taking it to God. Thank you for that.
That one keeps rolling around in my mind too!
This was such a great post. One of my favorites for sure!
Thanks Mary!
This is a great post! It’s so true that we can carry some burdens for so long that we don’t even realise how much they’re weighing us down. Thanks for this encouragement to cast them on to God.
Isn’t it weird how we do that without even realizing it?? So glad we can encourage one another!
Heading over to read the rest of the story. thank you for sharing with us!
What a cliffhanger! Heading over to read the rest of the story! 🙂
Rebecca – Your timing to add this to the Grace & Truth Link-Up was terrific. With tears streaming down my face, recognizing I too need to lay my burdens down right now. Perseverance is HARD. I chose your post to feature tomorrow on Grace & Truth Link-Up. I will put a link to your website but will have the direct link to the full post. I hope that is okay.
Wow! Thank you friend!
Thank you for the Word. It helps through these difficult times.
This really means alot to me, May God bless you, am questioning myself every day whether I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior coz of the way I accepted Him in the church, I was so afraid, I don’t know why. And one early morning, in my middle sleep waking up, when I was laying on my bed, I saw a very bright light in the form of a man, standing next to my bed, I froze, couldn’t speak or move, He faced me and sat on my bed, near my feet and straightened out His hand towards me, I was so afraid and I started calling out Jesus Christ within me, I closed my eyes and when I looked again, He was gone..Every day am wondering! Was He Jesus Christ or an angel? And if He was Jesus Christ why was scared? Hopefully someone can help me understand all this🙏
When I read your articles they help me and others so much more than you think! I thank God for leading me to your readings. May God forever bless you