It was right there in front of me, easy as could be. I just had to click and I would be given the 10 Steps to Finally Figuring Life Out. So easy, right?
Okay, there was no “10 Steps to Finally Figuring Life Out,” but wouldn’t it be nice if there was?
It would make life feel so easy and controlled. Finally. But we all know life isn’t easy and control sometimes feels like a dream. Or a dream of a dream.
So what do we do?

It’s no surprise that sometimes life feels overwhelming. We’re busy and there is always someone telling us how to be better, do more, or finally get it together. The idea of being enough is so appealing we keep signing up, clicking for validation. But what if the validation you crave is already within your grasp?
Now, before I tell you how, you should know tools are not bad. I even have a few that I offer you. The problem is that the tools will never fix it all. And when we chase tools to give us the answers we end up worn out, frustrated and empty.
The only way to make the tools work for us is if we start in the right place.
Start with God.
It really is that simple.
This feels a bit like writing myself out of a job. But it’s true. And I promised to be honest with you.
When we chase tools to give us the answers we end up worn out, frustrated and empty. We need to start with God. Share on XThere are amazing tools out there. I share my own books and e-courseand other favorite books with you all the time. But everyone single one of those resources, as good as they may be, are little more than a bootstrap gospel when we do it in our own strength.

God wants more for us.
God wants you to live fully in His grace.
It sounds too simple. It sounds like it won’t really help. I get it. But even the best tools in Christian living pale in comparison to living in His love, hope and grace.
But what if —
What if we start with God and then use the tools He leads us to?
What if we use the Bible first and then find tools that support what the Word says?
What if we build the foundation before we build the house?
That is when we can do things far beyond what any one of those tools promise. That is when we walk out the promises of God in our real lives. That is when we chose His strength over our own.

Check out these great sites I’m linking up with: Literacy Musing Mondays, Purposeful Faith, Tea & Word Tuesday, Abounding Grace, Tell His Story, Porch Stories, Let’s Have Coffee, Worth Beyond Rubies, Moments of Hope, Tune in Thursday, Dance with Jesus, Fresh Market Friday, Faith ‘n Friends, Blogger Voices Network, Grace & Truth, Heart Encouragement
Dear Rebecca, it took me so long to understand that when I try to do it myself, I’m like that petulant two-year-old exploring autonomy, or rebellious sixteen-year-old doing the same thing. And I began to wonder if we hurt God’s feelings when we reject the tools He’s trying to give us. Life is so much simpler when we start with God. Thanks and blessings for this gentle reminder.
You are exactly right, Life is so much simpler when we start with God. It’s just not the way we expect sometimes (he’s not a gumball machine!) But it is always our best!
Rebecca, such good words here. It’s easy for me to want to solve my own problems, to fix myself on my terms. But you’re right, when we leave God out of the equation, we’ll end up frustrated and discouraged. When we humble ourselves, invite God into the “stuff”, we can know His grace in amazing ways, and we can experience His grace anytime, anywhere.
My math gets mixed up on this too! But God is so good to remind me that He is the equation. The rest is just extra!
I can remember when I actually thought there WAS a collection of wisdom that blazed a trail to the “perfect” life. Thanks be to God, he has given us everything we need for life and godliness. Unfortunately, we fail to appreciate that some of that provision comes in the form of suffering.
Oh, this is so true. I wish it were not, but God teaches so much in those seasons.
Hey Rebecca, O’ how I wish I there was such a thing as 10 steps to figuring out life! LOL! I would be all over that. Of course, life being what it is, they would probably unattainable. 😉 Thank God that we have the Bible and the Holy Spirit to lead and direct us. Have a great day!
Amen, girl. Amen!
What a powerful reminder! I love this. It’s so easy to become overwhelmed by all the tools available to us. We read the promises of how these tools will benefit us. But it’s completely impossible to use them all! So we fear we’re missing out somehow. I loved this line: “That is when we can do things far beyond what any one of those tools promise.” God’s ways are so much higher than our ways. Living for Him is far more exciting than simply finding and using all the “right” tools.
Amen, my friend! Living for Him and WITH Him is so much more important!
Thank you, Rebecca! I recently heard a sermon on Geneses 1:1, “In the beginning GOD!” It’s how the world began. It’s how the Bible begins. It’s how we should begin!
Pinned & tweeted.
Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
Yes! It’s the perfect starting place!
I was thinking today that so often people wish for a word from the Lord–when He has already given it. I love this, to start with prayer and God’s Word. All the tools in the world are no help if they don’t point us back there.
Right?! I’ve done that so many times!
Very good post! “What if we start with God and then use the tools He leads us to?
What if we use the Bible first and then find tools that support what the Word says?
What if we build the foundation before we build the house?” Very good questions, and questions that make us think a little before each action we take. Thanks for sharing!
Sometimes the simplest, most obvious things are the hardest to see. Grateful we can remind one another!
Yes, we already have everything we need to do his will. His divine power has seen to that! Thanks for this beautiful reminder to use what we’ve got. It is plenty,
In Him it always is!
Yes! God should be first and everything else will follow. I am wary of articles that promise answers in____ easy steps. Life is not easy but with God it is good. Thank you for sharing such a simple first step.
Thank you for being such a blessing and encouragement!
What is it about us that wants to reduce relationship (a living and dynamic interaction with the God of the universe!!!) to 10 Easy Steps?
Tools. In my hand is the pen of a ready writer. Thank You, Lord.
this is a great word.
Thanks friend!
I’ve always found that the wisdom of the Bible never lies or feels like a waste of money :).
100% truth!
What a perfect reminder for me today, Becky! Thank you for this! May we not forget the tools we hold right in our pockets!
Amen, girl!
Yes, such strength and validity in His Word. PS 139:14 has been a compass for me because it’s entirely too easy to be swallowed by the search for validation elsewhere. Solid encouragement, Rebecca!
You bet! Our validation comes from 1 place 🙂
I love your encouraging words! I think we can use tools and learning as idols sometimes when we are putting those things before God!
Yes! This is 100% true for me. I’m learning to put learning in it’s place (after God!)
So true! I am glad I stopped by to read this post! Thank you for the wonderful reminder. God bless!
SO glad you’re here!
Just found your blog on the Happy Now Link Party! Love it! I just finished up a Bible series on my site and love to find other bloggers writing about their faith.
Welcome! So glad to connect with you!
I love this! So often we chase after other “tools” to help us find the way, while God is saying, “come to me first!” He can lead us to the right tools if He is placed first. I wrote about Psalm 23:2 where the Good Shepherd leads the flock to still waters, so this is fresh on my mind… We often ignore His leading and look for refreshment and satisfaction elsewhere while only HE is the Living Waters that can totally quench our thirsty souls! Linking that post, if interested!
He is the One thing that gives us all we need! Thanks for sharing!