I have some bad news for you friend. I hate to start this way, but I think it’s time someone told you.

We’re never going to be done.
Not on this side of heaven anyway. The lists will never end. The responsibilities will still be here. Chaos will swirl seemingly endless. But there is something you can do.
It’s time to take a moment and let your soul breathe.
That inner part of you that gets pushed aside so easily by work and home and kids and life. The part that feels like you can’t handle one more thing to do. The part of you that is suffocating.
It may just be that you’re holding your breath waiting for the other shoe to drop. Maybe it’s time to exhale?
Maybe your soul is stifled because the weight of the world is pressing down so very hard.
Or maybe it’s been ignored for so long you forgot that it’s there.
It’s okay to take a moment to let your soul breathe. Share on XLife, in all if it’s one-shoed, heavy, ignorant wonder isn’t going anywhere. We can’t erase the hard parts and make everything rainbows and unicorns.
But breathing?
That is something we can do.
It won’t happen on it’s own. We have to choose to breathe into those innermost parts that are suffocating under the weight of the everyday. It may sound like one more thing to do, but it makes all the other things bearable.
What is it in your life that makes you feel like you can breathe? Give yourself permission to put down everything else and be.

Check out these great sites I’m linking up with: Literacy Musing Mondays, Purposeful Faith, Tea & Word Tuesday, Abounding Grace, Tell His Story, Porch Stories, Let’s Have Coffee, Worth Beyond Rubies, Moments of Hope, Tune in Thursday, Dance with Jesus, Fresh Market Friday, Faith ‘n Friends, Blogger Voices Network, Grace & Truth, Heart Encouragement
This is such good, simple, concrete advice. As a yoga instructor I teach breathing as a means to relax, de-stress and pray. laurensparks.net
I wish I was a yoga person! LOL I do YouTube yoga videos occasionally because they feel so good!
You have no idea how much I need this today! Thanks! Pinned. Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements! Now… I’m going outside for a walk. BRB <— maybe not. Thanks, Rebecca!
I hope you enjoyed your walk, and that you found space to breathe in the middle of your day!
I know the hold your breath waiting for the other shoe to drop. Prayer breathing works, inhaling and exhaling to something the Lord’s Prayer of Psalm 23.
Yes! There is an inhale and an exhale, both equally important to empty us out and fill us up with what our body (and soul) needs!
Feeling overwhelmed is something that most of us struggle daily. Thanks for sharing this one little but much needed step. Giving ourselves permission to detach from the pressures and just breathe is a great start!
It can be such a daily struggle. But breathing in the presence of God makes such a difference!
This is such a timely post for me! I’m in the midst of overwhelm. Thank you for the gentle reminder to just breathe.
Praying for time and space for you to simply breathe in God’s presence today!
Oh, heavens! I do this every day–the perpetual carrot: “When I finish ____________, I’ll stop and take a break.” The long, slow read or the quiet sit-down with my listening ears on for the voice of God just doesn’t happen often enough because the list wins and time runs out.
And there will always be another list! Thanks for this eyes-wide-open post.
Thank you for always being encouraging and willing to share your heart!
So true – no matter how much we accomplish there will always be more to be done! We definitely need those moments to stop and breathe.
It can feel discouraging sometimes. But I find that when I recognize and accept it, I can give myself space and freedom to be okay with it.
Love this post, Rebecca. So often I am overwhelmed. I’ve been working overtime this week, so this post was just what I needed.
So glad, my friend!