• Is The Internet for Pretty People?

    It seems like the internet is for the pretty people. The ones with perfect hair and perfect hips. With green grass and appropriately big earrings. With holiday home tours and perfectly white teeth. Basically, not me. And I began to wonder about this virtual world we spend so much of our time in. Is it

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  • 3 Things You Should Know This Holiday

    The calendar squares are moving forward, faster and faster it seems, and the holidays are on the horizon. There could be family time and fantastic food, or a shift worked like any other day. Maybe you’re anticipating tension or drama that no turkey or twinkly lights can outweigh. Whether the holiday weighs heavy for you

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  • A Love Letter to My Body

    This letter to my body was my birthday present to myself. Inspired by a post by Sarah Bessey, I am choosing to be grateful for this body I have right now. It may feel imperfect to me and may even have some medical issues to work through, but it is a wonderful body. Dear My Body of

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