• 10 Hidden Joys

    I started the year full of anticipation, ready to see what the year brought. January is like that, full of hope and dreams. A few years ago, I chose to look for JOY. I didn’t know what it would look like. I expected a lightness that would be easier to discern. Maybe I expected to

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  • Embrace the Season You Are In

    I still remember a winter a few years back. I didn’t want another snowstorm. I normally don’t mind winter in New England and cozy days at home by the fire. But this was different. Teasers of sunny days and lighter jackets had pushed me into spring mode, and I was ready to embrace it. But

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  • Top 5 Christmas Joys

    This is the time of year when we get wrapped up…wrapped up in the endless lists, the decorating, the fa la la-ing, school concerts, even the wrapping! I find myself moving away from lights and cookies and gifts to cleaning and shopping and grumbling — oh my! Instead of staying in this wrapped up place

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  • Finding Joy in a Simple Calling

    The idea of a 4 word calling can feel anything but simple. Sometimes it seems easier to accept the idea of big, grand plans and purpose than to walk out your anything for God in small steps. Big feels like a celebration; small feels, well, small. Embracing the idea of a big calling feels like accepting a medal at

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