• The Best Devotionals for the Whole Family

    Devotionals are a great way to help us grow in our faith, even when life feels busy. Check out these devotional ideas for the whole family. As I tucked my kids my kids in for the night and walked down the hall all I could think was: another day and I didn’t even teach them

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  • Favorite Movies & TV Shows

    Our summer of favorite things wouldn’t be complete without talking movies and TV shows. These recent favorites include family and grown up shows to entertain from new releases to Netflix and Hulu favorites. While this isn’t a super spiritual post, it is the kind of thing I chat with my friends about (and that means

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  • You Can Still Have the Best Summer Ever

    Summer is the great playtime of the year. It’s like recess; a break from the responsibilities. Except when it’s not.  I find myself holding this idea that summer should be FANTASTIC and FUN and SUN. But there’s still laundry and cooking and vacuuming. The bills keep coming and the everyday-ness of life still happens.  How

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