• Are You Too Busy to Meditate on God’s Word?

    Making time to meditate on God’s Word may feel impossible, but it can change everything! Sarah Geringer shares her story and some ideas about how to meditate on the Bible without feeling overwhelmed. Are you too busy to meditate on God’s Word? I’ll answer this for you…no, you aren’t. That’s because this ancient spiritual discipline

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  • 5 Ways to Find Quiet in a Noisy World

    Most days it seems like the world is screaming at me. Phones ding, inboxes fill up, work and family demands pile higher and higher. Everything feels so loud. And all I want to do is sit in the quiet I can’t seem to find. Does your life feel loud? Here are 5 simple ways to

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  • Can a New Bible Help My Faith?

    I had seen the ads on Instagram and Facebook. Amazing authors I respect touting how fantastic this new bible is. It has artwork and room for notes and even devotions built right in. Plus, there are beautiful covers to choose from. Yet, I was torn. A question kept circling my mind. On one hand I wanted this Bible.

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  • 3 Simple Ways to Connect with God Today

    Discover how to connect with God. There are simple ways we can make space for God in our everyday life. It doesn’t need to be complicated, it just needs to be real. I still don’t know how I can be praising God in worship on a Sunday morning and feel so far away from Him

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  • My Favorite Bible Resources

    I haven’t always loved reading the Bible. I know that sounds blasphemous, but I want to be real with you. I’ve struggled to understand the Bible, to feel like I could navigate the Bible, to even like what it said and think it mattered. Little by little, verse by verse, I’m learning to love it.

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