Now more than ever, the world needs us to let go of our ideas of going to church on Sundays and instead be the Church.
When we look at our diverse experiences with church we’re often left wondering what to do. We can look at what to do in the hard places or what works for someone else. And all of that helps. Yet, we’re still left with a question:
How can we be the church?

What’s the secret?
I’ve thought back on all my experiences and those of people I’ve talked with. I’ve read parts of the Bible and books about the Church. My honest answer to the question of how we can be The Church is probably one you’re not going to like. I say that because I don’t like it sometimes.
We are an imperfect group of believers, and it will stay that way until our wedding day as Bride of Christ in heaven. If we’re imperfect, that means we are going to mess up. Sure, we’re going to get parts right, but we’re going to get a lot of parts wrong too.
We’re going to misinterpret, lack understanding, make mistakes, and hurt one another. It’s inevitable. But that doesn’t have to be the only part of our story.
Imperfect is still beautiful
As imperfect as we are as human beings, we are still part of this beautiful body of believers.
We are The Church. No matter how much of a mess we make of it. Our status doesn’t change.
If we can be humble. If we can confess our sins. If we can forgive. All of these things will make it easier, but it still will not solve it all.
Because we can’t do it on our own.

Start with Jesus
In our normal life we can have services and outreach and mission trips. We can have ministries and bible studies and conferences. These are all good and Godly things. But if we do them without God we will never be walking in the fullness He desires for His Bride.
The best way to be The Church is to love Him and love others. Yes, that looks messy sometimes. Yes, we will get it wrong. But when we love Him first we are constantly bringing our broken pieces to Him to be loved, forgiven, and reminded of how to love one another.
There is no perfect way to be The Church because we are not perfect. Choosing Jesus in our imperfection is the answer. Always.

Loving others is always the answer, yes! Hope you’re doing well, friend.
You too, my friend!
Thank you for this great reminder of who we are as the Body of Christ and what is our mission and calling!
So grateful we can encourage one another!
Loving Him first is always the first step – then everything else falls into place!
It’s the best place to start!
Love this, Rebecca, particularly because you’re standing on a soapbox I jump onto from time to time myself. We gather to worship and we scatter to serve, and we do it all imperfectly, but the world needs to see our messy side more than they need our perfect Sunday morning smiles.
Thanks for being the real deal.
Yes! Our messy real will always show Jesus more than our pin-perfect selves! Always love connecting with you.
Rebecca, I love your post. I will be sharing it. I agree we are the church. It doesn’t matter where we meet, how we meet, we are called to love others. I especially like the part where you point out we will mess up. I am hoping other will offer me a little grace and I too will extend that grace.
Thank you for sharing this post with us at Grace & Truth Link-Up.
Thanks so much Maree! It isn’t an easy journey, but encouraging one another on the way helps! 😉