#30daysofgratitude #thankful #1000gifts
It all sounds great, right? It’s easy to want to be grateful. But what about when her house looks so much better than yours? Or when you see the pictures from that other family’s fantastic tropical vacation? Or when she has that great new designer bag and yours is from Walmart?
Or maybe it’s even harder. A sick loved one. A marriage on the brink. A job loss. Infertility.
How can we be grateful then?
There are three things you can do today that have the power to change your entire outlook no matter what you are facing.

I stood on the front steps wishing I didn’t have to ring the doorbell. Standing here was enough to make me feel small, less than, not good enough. Did I really have to go inside, too?
I shook off my feelings and held my breath. I could hear my friend walking closer to the front door, the knob turn and the door swing open wide.
Yup. It was as bad as I thought it would be. Her house was fantastic and mine was so…..not.
Have you ever been there?

Maybe not on my friend’s front steps, but in a situation where you couldn’t help but compare your reality to someone else? A situation that left you feeling anything but #grateful?
It’s easy to fall into the comparison trap, and easier still for gratitude to slip through our fingers as if it were never there. Gratitude is slippery and we need to grip tighter than I ever expected.
Even in the hardest places, there are three things we can do to hold tight to gratitude today.
Fake It
Yup. Sometimes you have to play dress up before you go to the ball. You have to practice before the big game. You have to….well, you get the idea. They don’t say fake it until you make it for nothing.
Start here when gratitude seems impossible (even if your teeth are clenched and your fists tight.)

Start Basic
I’m talking really basic; fundamental elements of life basic. Air. Sun. Eyes. Whatever. Pick things that don’t even register on a regular basis and be grateful for them.
Find a Diamond
Look at whatever rough place you’re in and find something you can be grateful for. Standing on my friend’s steps I could be grateful for the friend or that I have legs to stand there with.
Maybe you’re out of work — be grateful you have more time with your family. If you’re in a hospital — be grateful you have access to medical help. Find a diamond in the rough place and hold on tight.
Now it’s time to really commit. Grab a pen and a post-it. Write one thing you are grateful for today and put it where you can see it. Just start.

Check out these great sites I’m linking up with: Literacy Musing Mondays, Purposeful Faith, Tea & Word Tuesday, Abounding Grace, Tell His Story, Porch Stories, Let’s Have Coffee, Worth Beyond Rubies, Moments of Hope, Tune in Thursday, Dance with Jesus, Fresh Market Friday, Faith ‘n Friends, Blogger Voices Network, Grace & Truth, Heart Encouragement
I’m grateful for your reminder, Rebecca! I kept a gratitude journal for some time until about two or so months ago. That’s actually when I started feeling depressed about some difficulties that are present in my life right now. Your post has motivated me to get back at it! Thanks for this, my friend, pinned twice!
Yay! I love that you are getting back to it! I’m grateful for you!
This is so good! I’m reminded of the six years I kept a gratitude journal, and rejoiced in so many diamonds in the rough–true gifts from God that I would never have seen without that discipline of recording.
I admire your faithfulness in this! So amazing!
I am a big fan of “fake it until you make it”. There are a lot of things that are not under our control, but our attitude isn’t (usually) one of them. Great advice in this post, Rebecca. Sometimes gratitude comes naturally and sometimes it must be cultivated.
Isn’t that the truth! And I love that word: cultivated! Such a great description!
Amen! Fake it works for me all the time ;). I start every day with my quiet time with God and write down 5-10 things I’m grateful for–I’ve been doing it for five years now, and I think I’m on 8-9 thousand, 8-hundred and 88. It’s made a huge difference in how I start each day. I can’t be glum and grumpy and ungrateful when I’ve just told God all the things that I’m grateful for!
That’s amazing! I think I need to re-order my day a bit and try this!
I read the book One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp and it was a game-changer for me! It really made me look at things differently. It made me more grateful for the ordinary things that we so often take for granted.
Pinned to 3 boards.
Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragemetns!
Gratitude makes such a difference. I loved Voskamp’s book. It made me think of things differently too!
Rebecca, such great words here. I’m finding I must choose gratitude. It’s not a natural response for me. Keeping a daily family log of things we’re grateful for helps, and stopping in the midst of hard seasons to look for God’s presence in them is what helps me stay sane and remember that God is right there in the hard with me.
I love this! I want to start a family gratitude log!
Love posts about gratitude when it’s hard. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for being here!
What a wonderful post, Rebecca! Sometimes we do need to find the diamond, but it’s there somewhere. Thanks for these encouraging words.
Peace and grace,
May we be women who never give up searching!
This is so true: “Gratitude is slippery and we need to grip tighter than I ever expected.” May I remember to be more grateful versus complaining. The latter comes easier, but the former brings lasting rewards!
Amen, girl!
I am a definite fake it till you make it person! If I waited for my feelings to line up with what is right I would be in big trouble! I instead choose to tell my feelings what they will feel 🙂
Thank you for linking up @worthbeyondrubies
I love that: tell my feelings what they will feel!
Being intentional about gratitude is something I’ve found really helpful. I’ve been keeping a gratitude journal for almost three years now and it is good to pause at the end of each day, even on hard days, to think about reasons to be grateful. There is always something!
I’ve yet to maintain a journal, but I’d love to find a way for a family gratitude journal/activity.
This is such a timely post for me as I’m struggling with illness and anxiety…my negative feelings surrounding these things have been making it harder for me to see the things I should be thankful for. This post has easy tips I can start using right now…thank you!
I’m so glad you found this helpful, Ammie! I’m praying for you as you walk through those hard feelings that come with illness and anxiety. And I’ll start your gratitude shift off with letting you know that I’m grateful for you!
I love this post, especially the “raw reality of the suggestion, “Fake it.” So often, getting started on going through the motions leads our hearts into the right place!
It does seem to be quite a good catalyst!