Favorite Things: Birthday Edition

Birthdays can bring up a range of feelings. And I’m learning that is okay. Instead of fighting all the emotions, I’m learning we can choose to look for things that make us smile.

As I approach my fortieth birthday, I’m looking for things that make me happy. These aren’t the ones you can buy (although you can find some of my favorite things here.) Also, I’m learning the value of keeping things simple.

With that in mind here are 4 things making me happy as I turn 40:

Saying What I Want

As a child I had no problem saying what I wanted. I don’t remember asking for a pony, but I did have that kid-ability to say when I really wanted something.

Somewhere along the way I lost that.

I think it got lost in waves of reality, disappointment, responsibility, and something masking as humility. Now I’m left with a stone softened by years of these waves and I’m choosing to pick it up.

I had an expectation that if people loved me they would know what I wanted or how I felt. Simply put, I was wrong.

If there is something I want or feel, I need to find a way to say that. Not only for me, but for those I love.

The Food Matters

Is this silly and trivial? Perhaps. But one of the things that I love on my birthday is good food (especially chocolate!) Finding ways to make that happen matters (sometimes less than the number on the scale.)

It Really Is a Celebration

I’m alive!

I know, it surprised me too! Try saying it out loud.

I’m alive!


I’m alive!

Did you hear what a gift it is? Just in the ability to say that? I don’t want to live the next year or decade or the rest of my life lamenting the years passing.

Every birthday is the chance to celebrate that I've lived and I'm still living! Share on X

It Won’t Be Perfect

I like when things fit an image in my mind. When things meet expectations and go according to plan and it’s all tied in a pretty bow.

That’s not real life.

And I’m learning to be okay with that. (But it’s a process.)

I still love birthdays. In all their emotion-filled, imperfect, cake filled deliciousness we can celebrate living!

Celebrate birthdays by looking at your favorite things (from books and chocolate to deep ideas we learn as we get older!)

Don’t miss more of my favorites here!

Check out these great sites I’m linking up with: Literacy Musing Mondays, Purposeful Faith, Tea & Word Tuesday, Abounding Grace, Tell His Story, Porch Stories, Let’s Have Coffee, Worth Beyond Rubies, Moments of Hope, Tune in Thursday, Dance with Jesus, Fresh Market Friday, Faith ‘n Friends, Blogger Voices Network, Grace & Truth, Heart Encouragement

Author: Rebecca Hastings

Rebecca is a writer and speaker encouraging women to find real faith that works in real life. A wife and mother of three in Connecticut, she can often be found typing words, driving her kids places or wherever there is chocolate.

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