Have you ever thought you should spend more time with God, but don’t know how to really make it happen?
Lately, I have felt a disconnect and longed (desperately) for a way to shake it.

I wanted to want to spend time with God.
I wanted to enjoy my time with God.
I didn’t want it to be a resolution or a checklist, but a genuine, soul time with my Creator.
But all the wanting in the world wasn’t making it happen. Life seemed to take over and that longing was pushed to the side behind the pile of mail to sort and the laundry. Some days I couldn’t even remember it as I was grabbing my keys and running out the door.
Can you relate?
I knew something had to change. Not just for me, but for you. So I made us something special.

Before you think this is just one more thing to do, I promise you it is not. This isn’t like other courses. It’s not me telling you why you should do this or be better or improve.
Think of DWELL as my holding your hand, sitting with you, and guiding you to be with Jesus for a few minutes each day.
Sound like what you need? Give it a try. 5 days. 5 minutes a day. It’s absolutely free and includes short, encouraging email lessons, a reusable printout and resource list so you can continue to DWELL in the presence of God everyday.
You don’t want to miss this. Sign up HERE now!

Check out these great sites I’m linking up with: Literacy Musing Mondays, Purposeful Faith, Tea & Word Tuesday, Abounding Grace, Tell His Story, Porch Stories, Let’s Have Coffee, Worth Beyond Rubies, Moments of Hope, Tune in Thursday, Dance with Jesus, Fresh Market Friday, Faith ‘n Friends, Blogger Voices Network, Grace & Truth, Heart Encouragement
Sounds like a great resource, Rebecca!
Thanks Anita!
Rebecca, thanks for offering this course. I look forward to reading it. Blessings!
I hope you love it Donna!
This sounds like a great resource, Rebecca! We can ALL use more and quality time with Jesus, can’t we?
That’s for sure! I may go through my own course again for a refresher!
That’s such a delicate balance. Spiritual disciple and routine helps us make Bible reading a priority, but then it can too easily become just another check-off on the to-do list. I love your emphasis on wanting it to be truly meeting with God.
It is so hard for my list loving personality, but God wants so much more than to be on a list!
I signed up for this course! Thank you so much! I am looking forward to reading this and growing from it.
Yay! I’d love to know what you think of it! Just send me an email anytime!
Thanks for linking up with us at the GATHERING OF FRIENDS LINK PARTY 8. sharing!
Always a fun time at Gathering of Friends!
Rebecca, I think this is a common road block!
I’ve had more than one person tell me that they want to read their Bible, journal, pray, fill in the blank with a spiritual discipline… but they don’t know where to begin.
My advice is always just to BEGIN! God will meet them wherever they start, and he always comes more than half way!
YES! You are exactly right Michele. Just begin!
One thing I’m learning to do is to constantly dwell in His presence throughout every moment of the day. Whether I’m reading my bible or just doing something mundane like cooking/cleaning or driving to the store to pick up some supplies… our goal should be to have a constant dialogue with the Lord.
He’s been teaching me to maintain that “vertical conversation” (i.e. my dialogue between myself and the Lord) while having a “horizontal” one (i.e. my dialogue and interactions with others). Letting Him guide me each moment in everything I do.
Constantly being connected and spending time with Him.
Yes! I love the way you are staying connected to Him. That “vertical conversation” is such a gift!
Always admire your authenticity. This looks like a great help! Thank you!
Thank you Carlie. That means a lot to me!
What a beautiful idea to dwell with God every day! Thanks for sharing it.
Even the sound of the word brings a peace to my soul!
Nice! So thats how I should get people to sign up for my blog! So great to see you last weekend! Nancy Smith
LOL! It was wonderful to see you! And there are so many ways to get sign ups!
Sounds great Rebecca! I signed up! Thanks for linking up with us at the GATHERING OF FRIENDS LINK PARTY 8. Pinned!
Yay! I hope you love it!