I was brushing my teeth after a day. You know the one. Nothing goes as planned. You look around at the end and see dishes piled in the sink and you feel like you accomplished nothing. I started thinking about all the things I hadn’t done. The list seemed like an endless scroll, but then
When You Feel Invisible
I walked into the little market and immediately saw three people I knew. They were perfectly pleasant people, always friendly in the past. Busy with their work and conversations, I headed over to the soup comfortably minding my own business. I wasn’t sure how to go forward. It’s that moment when I wonder if I
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The One Thing You Need to Do When You Are Overwhelmed
I have some bad news for you friend. I hate to start this way, but I think it’s time someone told you. We’re never going to be done. Not on this side of heaven anyway. The lists will never end. The responsibilities will still be here. Chaos will swirl seemingly endless. But there is something you
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Finding Joy in a Simple Calling
The idea of a 4 word calling can feel anything but simple. Sometimes it seems easier to accept the idea of big, grand plans and purpose than to walk out your anything for God in small steps. Big feels like a celebration; small feels, well, small. Embracing the idea of a big calling feels like accepting a medal at
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Are You Stuck Between Your Calling and Real Life?
It’s easy to feel stuck in real life, even as your mind wanders to big callings. The more we whittle down the simplicity of what God calls us to, the easier it is to walk it out. As I sit here writing, there is a table full of clutter in front of me, kids playing
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Are You Following a Bootstrap Gospel?
I follow a writer online. Her name doesn’t really matter because there are quite a few people online with a similar message: YOU CAN DO IT! Do you know anyone like that? I’m going to call her X in this post, for ease and so that there really isn’t any hint as to who she
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Can My Calling Really Be That Simple?
Ok, I know the other day when I wrote about your calling I said, the end. But the truth is it just doesn’t always seem that easy, does it? Four words made it sound so simple, but here we are, everyday, struggling to understand what it means. I get it. So what do we do? I’m going
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Your Calling (in 4 Words)
Have you ever wondered if you’re where you’re supposed to be? I don’t mean at the right address (although I’ve been in that position plenty of times). I mean in life, in the grand, sweeping sense of purpose and direction and calling. Are my feet (and my heart) where they belong? The question rings loud
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A Love Letter to My Body
This letter to my body was my birthday present to myself. Inspired by a post by Sarah Bessey, I am choosing to be grateful for this body I have right now. It may feel imperfect to me and may even have some medical issues to work through, but it is a wonderful body. Dear My Body of