
  • The Unexpected Book That Changed How I See Myself

    It’s no secret that I have an affinity for books. (I share some of my favorites here.) But sometimes there is a book that deserves more than a listing and summary. Today I have just that book! I love picture books. There’s something magical about the ability to weave words and images together so concisely

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  • Make a Better List

    I was brushing my teeth after a day. You know the one. Nothing goes as planned. You look around at the end and see dishes piled in the sink and you feel like you accomplished nothing. I started thinking about all the things I hadn’t done. The list seemed like an endless scroll, but then

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  • When Prayer Feels Hard

    Sometimes I’m not sure what to pray. I know there are words I can say, things I can tell God or ask Him, but nothing seems quite right. Instead of praying anyway I’ve been quiet, closing off the communication between me and God because it doesn’t feel quite right. In all honesty, I should know

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  • Use the Tools You Already Have

    It was right there in front of me, easy as could be. I just had to click and I would be given the 10 Steps to Finally Figuring Life Out. So easy, right? Okay, there was no “10 Steps to Finally Figuring Life Out,” but wouldn’t it be nice if there was? It would make life

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  • Finding Time for Magical Moments with My Kids

    I had no idea how to start this post. Mostly because I was making it too complicated. Instead, God showed me to be simple. Awhile back I read Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World by Bob Goff. It encouraged me in ways other books have not. I felt inspired, challenged, and

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  • 5 Ways to Find Quiet in a Noisy World

    Most days it seems like the world is screaming at me. Phones ding, inboxes fill up, work and family demands pile higher and higher. Everything feels so loud. And all I want to do is sit in the quiet I can’t seem to find. Does your life feel loud? Here are 5 simple ways to

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  • What I Learned the Day I Kept My Mouth Shut

    I made a choice to keep my mouth shut today. If you know me, this is no easy feat. I’ve always been a heart of my sleeve person, thinking anything less is a lie. But I had a choice today. I could say what I was thinking or I could keep it to myself. You

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  • Can a New Bible Help My Faith?

    I had seen the ads on Instagram and Facebook. Amazing authors I respect touting how fantastic this new bible is. It has artwork and room for notes and even devotions built right in. Plus, there are beautiful covers to choose from. Yet, I was torn. A question kept circling my mind. On one hand I wanted this Bible.

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  • 6 Things I Learned This Summer

    While we typically think of summer as a break from learning, this summer taught me some important things about myself, God, and life. The only reason I know this, however, is that I purposed to pay attention. Emily Freeman has been encouraging this little practice, that honestly feels anything but little because it impacts me

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  • Favorite Things: School Edition

    I’ve always loved the routine of school. There’s rules and structure and opportunity to learn. But sometimes all that structure can feel like a lot to juggle. September is always hard here. The transition from summer fun to schedules can be tough. Add to it a handful of orientations, parent nights, and school supply lists

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