It’s easy to feel stuck in real life, even as your mind wanders to big callings. The more we whittle down the simplicity of what God calls us to, the easier it is to walk it out.

As I sit here writing, there is a table full of clutter in front of me, kids playing video games to my left and a clock ticking closer to a dinner that’s yet to be made. Yet I’m still typing.
Believe me, I don’t write that easily.
Choosing to do something you feel is important is hard, especially when the demands of real life swirl around you, can feel impossible. It’s easy to do what it looks like we’re expected to do. And sometimes it’s even necessary.
You can’t ignore the laundry forever.
That deadline at work is coming whether you like it or not.
That mailman that insists on coming no matter the weather still brings the bills.
When you're searching for big purpose surrounded by little socks and dirty dishes it can be hard to see clearly. But there is something you should know. Share on XBut there has to be a balance. We could live our whole lives doing the things that the world expects of us and miss the opportunities all around us. We miss opportunities to love Jesus and love others because we’re so busy getting things in order so we can get to that Jesus stuff later.

Life is never going to be neat and tidy and perfectly ready for you to pursue your calling. You have to pursue your calling right in the middle of real life.
You have to pursue your calling right in the middle of real life. Share on XWe’ve gotten to a place where we think so big, we forget about the simplest things God asks of us. If I truly believe it is my job to love Jesus and love others what does that mean for my real life?
Those socks I spent an hour matching? Loving my family.
The mountain of dishes I washed and put away? Loving the people I fed.
The bills I paid? Loving well.
I know, it’s easy to dismiss these little things. They can seem so insignificant. But the more we do the little things in love the freer we are to embrace the big things that come our way.

God wants us to love. Your real life is not a barrier to your calling; it is a God designed part of your calling.
Don’t miss it.
How are you pursuing your calling right in the middle of real life?
This is the 3rd post in a series. Read the other posts below:
Post 1: Your Calling (in 4 Words)
Post 2: Can My Calling Really Be That Simple?
Post 4: Finding Joy in a Simple Calling

Linking words at these great sites!
Literacy Musing Mondays, Purposeful Faith, Tea & Word Tuesday, Abounding Grace, Trekking Thru, Tell His Story, Porch Stories, Let’s Have Coffee, Worth Beyond Rubies, Tune in Thursday, Dance with Jesus, Fresh Market Friday, Faith ‘n Friends, Blogger Voices Network, Grace & Truth, Heart Encouragement, InstaEncouragements
Amen-Amein Sister in Christ Jesus-Yeshua!!
Love this!
I am there with ya–eyeballing the laundry right now actually, haha.
Trying to put my writing early enough that it doesn’t get pushed back, to the wayside.
This week there has been much peace, acceptance of “this is my life + that’s okay.”
Thank you so much for these words. Love you friend!!
This is my life and that’s okay —- in fact, this is your life and that’s amazing! Keep pressing on friend!
This is such great encouragement for those of us in the parenting (or other) trenches.
It’s amazing how parenting has a way of doing this!
This is such a great post! Thank you so much for the encouragement!
I love a good blog post series! Thanks, Rebecca for this series on our calling. Pinned. Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragemetns and for linking back to our blog from yours. 🙂
Thanks Patsy! So glad you shared!
This post came at the perfect time!!! I am smack dab in the middle of this and I have been asking God how do I get all of this accomplished that you have asked me to do? “Your real life is not a barrier to your calling; it is a God designed part of your calling.” LOVE THIS 💖
Isn’t it freeing?! All those things you face are part of the call, friend! Keep going!
Ahhh, Rebecca. Your post speaks straight to my heart. As I grapple with finding a balance between the real-life demands and fulfilling the calling to write, I feel tugged between the two. But I loved what you said here: “God wants us to love. Your real life is not a barrier to your calling; it is a God-designed part of your calling.
Don’t miss it.”
Yes. Amen. I’m focusing on this today. Thank you.
I think so many of us are in the place, expecting to be ready and for life to be simple so we can chase that holy calling. But God always has something else in mind!
“Your real life is not a barrier to your calling; it is a God designed part of your calling.” YES!!! I’ve struggled with this in homeschooling/working/writing. Great series!!
Thank you Esther! I’m so glad it has blessed you. All the pieces work together for His good!
Thanks for such a heart encouraging post, Rebecca! You are absolutely right. We should be living our calling out daily in the midst of it ALL. #HeartEncouragement linkup
Yes! In the midst of all the things!
This is so true! I find myself thinking, “As soon as I get this done I’ll sit down and write!” But that doesn’t work! I am finding I have to wake up earlier than the rest of the house to get those moments in… which isn’t always easy. Not because I’m not a morning person but the implications that happen when I wake up. I get up… and the dog gets up. When I let her out, she wakes the chickens which then begin their squawking and pecking along with the rooster who begins to crow. So me waking early has implications for the whole household. I wish I could just wake up quietly but that when I wake and start moving so do the animals. I’m trying to work the balance. I know He has the answer and the ability to do it when we trust Him with it! Thanks for this encouragement! I love this series! (Stopping by from #HeartEncouragement)
Yes, yes, yes! It is the domino effect of all the things! I’m learning to look at the things I feel stuck with and ask God to show me how they relate to my calling. (Also, I ask Him to help me make time for my calling — not always easy!)
Thank you for your encouraging words today! We are in the midst of a cross country move so following my calling in middle of all this upheaval has become both delayed and murky as we navigate the unknown. I needed your words today!
Keep holding on, friend. This is all part of the call!
“You have to pursue your calling right in the middle of real life.” This is so true, yet we tend to forget this and let real life get in the way. I know I have. Thanks so much for this reminder. Keeping this statement close to my heart!
So glad it inspired you!
Hi Rebecca,
As a teacher who writes, these words spoke directly to my heart…”Your real life is not a barrier to your calling; it is a God designed part of your calling.”
Thanks for the shift in perspective today!
Peace and grace,
So grateful we can all encourage one another! Keep walking forward in all the things, and He will work out the rest!
I missed this post back in the spring, Rebecca. So I’m thankful I’m your neighbor today at Inspire Me Monday. And this is powerful, “Your real life is not a barrier to your calling; it is a God designed part of your calling.” When we look at Jesus own calling to do the Father’s business, His ministry, it’s balanced with real life. He dined with others, visited the homes of friends and neighbors and sinners. He stopped long enough to talk to the Smaritan woman and to even enjoy the company of little children. While doing the Father’s business, He wasn’t too busy for the everyday parts of life. Because He knew that’s where He met needy people in the middle of their lives. So may we model this to our family, realizing we are exactly where the Father wants us…ministering to our family in the simplest and smallest ways can equal the greatest parts of the kingdom.
Yes! You are exactly right! PREACH!
Oh, good, Rebecca…a reminder to me to walk gently and carry the Lord with me into all tasks, all relationships, all of everything no matter how big or small. That love added to the tasks make all the difference! ALL the difference! Thank you
Love does make all the difference. And remembering that He is in all those things with us!
I love the pic of the gal in the dryer lol! Like you pointed out, sometimes we think we have to do “grand” things in order to be fulfilling God’s calling. We discount the small acts done with big love. I’ve also learned that there is a season for everything. Sometimes I wanted to squeeze everything into the first 3 decades of life. God had a different plan, It wasn’t until I was in my 50’s that I founded a Christian school for orphans and destitute children in Pakistan. This was only because God orchestrated it so perfectly. I guess it’s taught me that we can spread out our Kingdom building over many decades. God’s timing is impeccable. Great post and reminder!
Bev xx
Yes! We tend to think we need to do all the things and do them NOW. But He is a God of yesterday, today and tomorrow. He’s not in a rush because He’s already there!
Amen, amen, amen! Real life is PART of the calling – and God always lights the way, even if we can’t see too many steps ahead just yet. We must have courage and persistence! x
Yes! Persist in Him instead of the plan in our head!
Thanks for this today, Becky! It’s just what I needed as the newborn cries from his bed and the laundry sits piled by the basement door! May we live it out in these ordinary moments!
Newborn cries always trump laundry. Luckily it’s summer; diapers are just enough! 😉
And I thought I was the only one!! 😉 Such a pleasure to read this today, as I sit here with a kitten I’ve been nursing to health for a week now, laundry that needs folding, dishes that need to be done and a devotional for a Facebook group that needs to be written before bed. It occurs to me that maybe, just maybe, God chooses people like us BECAUSE we’re real. And because we’re real, other real people can relate to us! My goodness… He is so good!! Bless you for sharing your heart, and the truth in these words!
Definitely not the only one, friend! Be present with exactly what is in front of you (as my friend Patsy mentioned in the comments) It’s so good!
Great post Rebecca, and I LOVE that graphic! LOL
Real life is right here, right now, happening where you are with who you are with, whether they be little ones underfoot or adult children. BE THERE! Be ALL there! So important! This IS our ministry and for a young mom at home who feels lost, forgotten, or unnoticed, in the midst of loads and loads of laundry and what to have for dinner… you’re in a most important ministry! You are raising the next generation. You are raising the generation that will take care of us in our old age. You are raising the generation that will raise your grandchildren. Keep on keeping on! Never compromise. Never give up. Never give in. Be consistent. Be ALL there!
Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
Being present is so important! I always seem to be rushing on to the next thing, thinking it’s what God wants. And maybe it is. But more than that He longs for us to love those right in front of us (including ourselves.)
it is nice to know I am not alone in the sock universe.
Good company my friend!
Dear Becky, I so needed this! And guess what? Real life doesn’t slow down with retirement, it just looks different. Thank you for pursuing your calling among the sox and dishes and bills! Prayers and blessings that your encouragement will come back to you hundredfold.
Thank you Alice! Wishing you all the same!
Hear! Hear! A perfect and honest post!!!
Thanks friend!
“Your real life is not a barrier to your calling; it is a God designed part of your calling.” This is totally true because David met his Goliath when he was taking bread and cheese to his brothers. Thank you for the reminder.
Isn’t that amazing?! God uses every bit of our lives in ways we can’t even imagine!
Yes, the little, but very overlooked, acts of love are important,
Bless you Rebecca,
Well, this is timely! Off to do the Saturday morning dump run…
And then writing (I hope)!
I hope your weekend was great, Michele!