I follow a writer online. Her name doesn’t really matter because there are quite a few people online with a similar message: YOU CAN DO IT!
Do you know anyone like that?

I’m going to call her X in this post, for ease and so that there really isn’t any hint as to who she is. Honestly, I have a feeling X and I would have a lot of fun together, plus what she says is great and I’m pretty sure we have the same faith.
I have nothing against X as a person.
X is great at inspiring people, women especially. She says what we sometimes need to hear, seems like a pretty cool woman, and would probably be fun a fun shopping and dinner date.
X is awesome. Got it?
X tells me all this stuff like a Rosie the Riveter with longer hair and a hipper wardrobe.
She gets me fired up to put on my big girl panties, pull up my bootstraps (whatever those even are) and be awesome. She’s vulnerable and real and preaches, “If I can do it, you can too!”
(I never say holla, but this is the kind of thing that happens when I think about X.)

But here’s the thing (you knew it was coming, right?): everything I see from her is all I, I, I, ME, ME, ME.
She’s preaching that you and me and your best friend and your aunt and my neighbor, we can be more, we can be our best, we can get it done.
Girl power all the way.
Now, here is the surprise: nothing she says is wrong. Not one single thing that I’ve seen so far.
However, none of it is about God.
It’s all self-focused. Despite her faith, she is preaching this DO IT YOURSELF GIRL POWER and leaving out the one who actually gives the power.
If someone proclaims God’s truths over you and encourages you but forgets to mention God, where does that leave your focus?
I’ll tell you where it leaves mine: on me. And a bit on her. Is that God’s best for us?
Now, if someone gives you all these same truths, and tells their story, but then goes on to tell you that it’s not in their own strength, but in Gods, well, that leads you to God.
We can pull ourselves up. We can put on those panties and pull up those straps and do the hard work, but it will only get us so far.
If we truly want freedom, truth, success, life, or whatever it is we are seeking, we need to go beyond those bootstraps to the One who gives more than we could ever make happen on our own.
The bootstrap gospel is good, and sometimes is even full of things that we need to hear, but it’s not enough. We need the real gospel to truly change our lives. Share on X
And I know you’re wondering who X is. I’m still not going to tell you because I have a feeling we could all name a handful of people like her. Good people, giving good advice. And I’ll keep following X because she has good stuff to say.
But let’s not stop there.
Let’s grab our bootstraps and head right to the cross where we can find the ultimate truth that brings grace and freedom and life. Share on XChoose who you follow, and choose how to tell your story.
It matters.

Sharing words with these great writers! Visit them to be encouraged today!
Literacy Musing Mondays, Purposeful Faith, Tea & Word Tuesday, Abounding Grace, Trekking Thru, Tell His Story, Porch Stories, Let’s Have Coffee, Worth Beyond Rubies, Moments of Hope, Tune in Thursday, Dance with Jesus, Fresh Market Friday, Faith ‘n Friends, Blogger Voices Network, Grace & Truth, Heart Encouragement
Hey Rebecca, I am really digging your new website. It’s beautiful! Kudos to you and your designer. Love the pictures, too! About “Holla,” gurlll, you can say that word as much as you want. It’s a great word to add to your vocabulary. But, just add an exclamation point to it.
LOL! That’s fantastic Tiffiney! You’re awesome!
Rebecca, thank you for this post as this is something I have been pondering for myself the last week. May we be guided by the Lord as to who we follow and who we give our attention. May all we do and say point others to Jesus, for He alone holds the words of truth. Blessings!!
Yes! We should ask Him who to follow, listen to, give space to in our soul. You are 100% right!
Rebecca, I walk this tightrope all the time–the balancing act between bootstraps and grace. The Apostle Paul helps me, because I hear in his writing that he felt it, too.
Yes! It is a tightrope, isn’t it?! I’m so grateful that people in the Bible understood that feeling!
This is so good, Rebecca. I think you get to a point in life where motivational speeches sort of fall flat if they are not supported by the truth that you’ve shared here. The truth is, I CAN’T be anything I want or do anything I put my mind to … and I don’t think God intends for me to. But if He’s equipped me to do something, I CAN do that … through His strength, using the gifts He’s given me. Hugs, friend.
Yes, yes, yes!!! You are 100% right!
LOL Rebecca this is GREAT! I need more X in my life for sure. Thanks for posting and thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements! Pinned.
Choosing whom to follow does matter. While I think it’s important to view a variety of viewpoints and not insulate ourselves, we don’t want to introduce negativity to our lives through social media, including the blogosphere. Thanks for a thought-provoking post!
Thanks Laurie. I know the things I read/follow/see impact me deeper than I care to admit!
Rebecca, THANK you. Only Christ, in Him who loves us… we are more than conquerors. Glad I was here to read. It is a good message for me in my brokeness.
Praying God shows you more of His love today, friend!
Great post! Thanks! Self-help does not work. But grace does. Grace is God’s power for us to use for His glory. So I’ve kissed goodbye for everything but the real Gospel. Blessings to you, Rebecca!
That’s awesome Mari-Anna!
Love this post, Rebecca! Part of me admires women who can get it done. But if I’m honest, the boot strap Gospel doesn’t appeal to me at all. I know I’m a failure and that I need Jesus. I’m head-over-heels in love with His grace.
His grace is so good, isn’t it?!
Amen, Rebecca! Perfectly said!
Thanks, Deb!
Oh girlfriend….TRUTH. I’m stalking your site today, can you tell!!!
Stalk away! I love having you here!
Yes! I’ve not only seen that message in places, but I have seen women just flock to speakers/writers like that. We so need the true gospel–we can never do it all by ourselves.
It’s so hard because the truth is we can accomplish things on our own. It happens every single day to people walking with or without God. BUT — we can only accomplish His best for us with Him. Sometimes that doesn’t make sense. But it is always the best.
99 amen’s. And, while on the subject. The statement, “You are enough.” We are not and never can be enough. If we were we wouldn’t need the redemptive work of Calvary and Christ’s death would be naught. I will never be enough; however, Christ in me? Now, we’re talking about ENOUGH. He is more than enough. ♫ Singing “O be careful little eyes what you read ♫
You are exactly right! The only way we are enough is with HIM!
A thousand Hallelujahs to this, Rebecca. And it certainly needed to be said. I decided a while back to get rid of the supergirl capes hanging in my proverbial closet; to remember it’s when I am weak that Christ is strong (2 Cir. 12:9-19); that in Jesus’ day, He never asked anyone to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps (sandals) and the gospel and Christian faith is never about me. Instead, it’s about the One who said, “Follow Me,”