There’s something magical about seasons. Some of it has to do with the weather, but more of it has to do with my heart.
Today, let’s join Emily Freeman and appreciate the things, both big and small, that I learned this fall.

I thrive on deadlines
I’ve always known this to be true, it’s part of why I loved school so much. Give me a college syllabus with the whole semester laid out and I am a happy girl.
But this fall reminded me all over again. I have a big project coming out this winter (make sure you sign up here to be the first to know more!) This project had a huge task in a short period of time, and deadlines helped me get it done. Deadlines and God.
Prayer is evolving for me
Given my affinity for deadlines and structure, prayer has been a bit of a challenge for me. But I’m recognizing it, and this fall I learned a few simple ways that work for me to connect with God more often.

I’m not where I thought I’d be
I’m talking specificially about my weight here. It could apply to anything, and I could dance aroudn the issue, but it won’t help.
Last year at this time I thought the number on the scale (or at least my jeans) would be smaller. It’s not.
This may not sound like something you learn, but for me the learning comes in the acceptance. Not that I’m giving up. Because I’m not. But I am looking forward instead of back.
Sometimes seasons are longer than three months
As much as I love seasons, and looking at what I’ve learned in that lovely three month time-span. Sometimes a season lasts longer.
It could be anything, really. Something great like the year of morning snuggles with your little one or something hard like the professional doors that just won’t seem to open for years.
Seasons are more than a date on the calendar and different holiday decor. And in the beautiful and the hard places we can trust that God knows exactly how long each season should be.
More than that, God is with is in all the seasons.

Creating with friends is fun
My friend, Julie from Happy Strong Home and I created a special video series to help you have a simple holiday season. We had so much fun working on this together!
If you want a holiday season that feels simple and focused on what matters most, this series is for you! See the first video!
Enjoying the little things matters
That’s why I have something special to share with you!
Here are some of the little things bringing me joy, help or thoughtfulness this fall. Which one is your favorite?
If you loved this post be sure to share!

Check out these great sites I’m linking up with: Literacy Musing Mondays, Purposeful Faith, Tea & Word Tuesday, Abounding Grace, Tell His Story, Porch Stories, Let’s Have Coffee, Worth Beyond Rubies, Moments of Hope, Tune in Thursday, Dance with Jesus, Fresh Market Friday, Faith ‘n Friends, Blogger Voices Network, Grace & Truth, Heart Encouragement
i absolutely hear you about the seasons, Rebecca. some of them scoot by … and some linger forever …
loved this post.
Always nice to see you here!
These are lovely – and your photos are beautiful. Right there with you on seasons. (And Yankee Candles 🙂
A candle is always the right answer in winter!
Thank you friend!
I always appreciate the insights you gather along the way, Rebecca.
And so often, our paths intersect in this curriculum of life.
It amazes me every single time, friend!
Rebecca, I’ve been thinking about seasons a lot lately, so your thoughts about that really resonated with me. [And after reading the rest of the comments, it appears that I am not alone in this. :-)] I’m glad the deadlines helped you get your big task done, too. Happy December, my friend!
Happy December to you! And isn’t it great to know we’re in good company?!
Great post as always, friend. Same here about the weight issue—I have lost some weight since last year but would like it to be more. Love that my book made it onto your list. Also, your videos with Julie are fun and interesting! Blessings to you in this busy season, Becky.
Thanks so much Sarah! You’re the sweetest. And I am so grateful for you!
I have lost and gained weight several times. I know the struggle.
It’s so good to know I’m not the only one. I’m learning that God is bigger than my struggle, but that doesn’t make it less real.
Rebecca, I LOVE the video!!! How have I not already seen this!?
Pinned and plan on sharing the video to the IE Facebook page very soon!
Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
You are the sweetest! So grateful!
I’m with you on deadlines! I’ve learned to make them for myself so that I meet my goals :). I started using Michael Hyatt’s Full Focus planner system, and it really helped me.
I’ve heard great things about that planner!
I don’t like deadlines, but I notice that I do get things done a lot quicker when I have a deadline.
I love your approach to looking forward instead of back. I need to do that too because I’m not where I want to be in several areas as well.
I always love reading your lists, Rebecca!
Lisa, you’re so sweet. I’m always happy when we connect!
Found you on Emily’s link up. I’m right with you on deadlines – I had 6 months to write a book proposal and I did it in about a month! Haha! I also agree on prayer – PRAY is my word of 2019 and it’s been a great time of learning how to incorporate it better in my daily life. I’m also reading Relentless right now – I love Michele Cushatt!
Erica, we are on the same page for sure! And good for you on that proposal! Those are not easy!
I like deadlines too, they are so helpful in making a plan. A syllabus can definitely make me smile, it gives me a roadmap for when I need to get things done and I can just put them on my calendar. I can break down the bigger tasks, and that relieves so much stress. I am with you on prayer too. I feel so inconsistent at times. I would love to hear about what has helped you!
I’m glad to know I’m in good company! And I will definitely be talking more about prayer soon!
Thanks for sharing your “6 things” with us. Winter is the season that seems to drag on for years to me! Summer seems to fly by in just a few weeks.
They do feel different for sure! I’m guessing some of that has to do with running weather for you 😉