Are you looking to go beyond self-care to something deeper? These five tips will help you shift from simple self-care to true soul-care.
We’re smack in the middle of summer here and I’ve done something new, at least it’s new to me.
I’ve taken time.
It’s been strange and uncomfortable, but also calming in a way I can’t quite describe.

I mentioned taking some time for Soul Care, and that has been my goal: to care for my soul. God has shown me some great ways to do that, and I find myself still pondering how to find a balance that fills me up with Him.
Social Media
I’m starting here because it really laid the groundwork for the rest. I took some time off of social media. Honestly, it terrified me. I picked up my phone 100 times a day, ready to scroll. But I needed a break from the noise (both good and bad.) Putting social media icons in a folder labeled SOUL CARE helped keep me on track.
(If you need help with this, here is a great place to start)
Being Quieter
I always love talking about things, even the hard things. But I have tried to be quieter. The quiet allowed me to think and rest and see what happened even if I didn’t shout into the world. It helped me think about what God is doing in me and through me.
Using this beautiful planner/journal helped me think quietly, and reminded me to make time for things I love like books and movies and putting words on the page because I want to instead of feeling like I’m supposed to.
I’ve been reading quite a bit, and this quote from Holy Guacamole hit a place deep inside me that I don’t think I would have been able to hear with the usual noise around me.

If you’re looking to discover more about God and yourself, Holy Guacamole is a great place to start.
Being With My People
With less distraction, I am more present. As much as it’s been hard, it’s also been wonderful. Especially in these unusual days of navigating all the decisions during a worldwide pandemic. Praying through it helps. Get your FREE Prayer Journal HERE!
Nothing we’ve done has been earth shatteringly exciting. But it’s been good to watch movies and read books. To go for walks and to organize a closet. To play at the beach at sunset on a chilly day when everyone else has gone home.
Accepting the Uncomfortable
I usually try to move out of uncomfortable situations as fast as my brain can think to fix them. But God has been showing me that sometimes it’s just not my job to fix. Sometimes I just need to wait in the uncomfortable space, confident that He’s here with me.
I need to trust that His presence is better than my solutions. It’s not easy, and I still fight it sometimes. He knows that and He is patient with me every single time.

Accepting the uncomfortable probably goes against our natural instincts but there is a place of deepening trust in acceptance – thanks for those reflections!
Thanks for sharing these helpful insights on how to care for our souls.
There really is something to be said for silence and being present. I feel like social media just brings about so much discontentment. I know it is true in my own life. Before social media, I feel like I was a much happier and more content person. I reveled in just being and enjoying God’s creation. Or just being and listening to God.
God’s presence is enough in all circumstances and oh the blessings we receive. 🙂
Accepting the uncomfortable in life and conversations. That’s what I am trying to get better at. Also love that quote. Great tips here.
Rebecca, hi!
If ever we needed an emphasis on care of the soul it’d be right about now. Thanks for the reminder to be purposeful, to use tools to help us focus, to make this a priority.
Bless you, friend …
Yes to all 5 of these! I need to practice each one regularly. I love this idea of putting social media icons in a folder labeled SOUL CARE. Every little thing we do can help!
Thank you for this reminder. As a Pastor these times today can be quite draining mentally & spiritually! With the reminder to take time to be quiet is where we find renewal and restoration for our soul.
beautiful and practical tips for self care. thank you for sharing this. will look into your prayers through covid, very timely resource and needed place to rest our minds.
Thanks Rebecca! I like the phrase “Accepting the Uncomfortable” – I am a fixer too but most things are out of our reach to fix lately!!! – I might use that phrase in a blog!(if that’s ok)
I also need to shut down Facebook – it takes too much time out of my day!
Oh, it’s crazy how some things (like FB) can make time seem to disappear!