I love a good book and I love a good list. Following Melanie Shankle’s lead I created a list for you. Church of the Small Things has been re-released this fall with a fancy new cover and title: It’s All About the Small Things (check it out here)
On to the list!

In no particular order…
1. I’d consume it in just a few days. I hadn’t expected this book to compel me to turn pages so quickly, but I felt like I was chatting with a friend and I didn’t want it to end.
2. There would be lines that stopped me in my tracks and made me read them over and over to bore them deep in my soul like: “a simple life that revolves around loving your family doesn’t equate to a small life.”
3. I’m not the only one comparing my weight, my kids clothes, or my furniture and feeling like I fall short. {Bonus lesson: I don’t have to keep doing it.}
10 Things I learned from @bigmama! Check out "It's All About the Small Things" Share on X4. Lists are fun.
5. Beauty mistakes are part of life. Bangs, laser hair removal, and finding ideas on Pinterest happen to all of us.

6. We can talk about things like beauty and purpose in the same conversation. It’s not all deep or all surface. We can go back and forth.
7. Running isn’t for everyone. And that’s ok.
8. I’m not the only one who has a mind that spins from worrying about parenting dilemmas to beauty questions to insane things I’ve read on the internet.
Showing up matters more than getting it right. Thank you @bigmama for this truth. Share on X9. Showing up matters more than getting it right. It’s what the people in our lives really need. Show up for the hard, the funny, the so-hard-you-can’t-help-but-laugh. Just show up.
10. I’d be challenged. Challenged to believe God and hope in His plans. Challenged to feel all the feelings and see that they’re all good. Challenged to love well and laugh hard and make tons of references to pay homage to my youth. Challenged to be me and trust that’s who God wants me to be.
You don’t want to miss this book. Melanie’s writing is thoughtful, inspiring and funny — like chatting with your best friend. Head on over and order the fancy new edition today. You’re welcome. And be sure to check out her other great books like this one!

Check out these great sites I’m linking up with: Literacy Musing Mondays, Purposeful Faith, Tea & Word Tuesday, Abounding Grace, Tell His Story, Porch Stories, Let’s Have Coffee, Worth Beyond Rubies, Moments of Hope, Tune in Thursday, Dance with Jesus, Fresh Market Friday, Faith ‘n Friends, Blogger Voices Network, Grace & Truth, Heart Encouragement
I was lucky enough to receive an advanced copy of Melanie’s book to share my thoughts. All opinions are 100% my own.
Oh how I love simple wisdom like this! Thanks for the heads up about this book, Rebecca!
It was really great! Full of wisdom, but in the voice of a dear girlfriend! And funny too!
#9 is something I’ve learned more and more in the past few years. “Just show up” is one of my life mantras! Sounds like a great book. Thanks for sharing these 10 things.
It was surprising how much I loved it. Light and deep at the same time!
You’re absolutely right, Rebecca, showing up matters more than doing it right. Too many times we don’t do what needs to be done because we’re waiting for the perfect conditions or the ability to do it without making mistakes.
Yes! And I think of all the things I may have missed waiting for conditions to be perfect. So grateful for God’s grace along the way!
I loved that book. And yes, some of the best advice ever is TO JUST SHOW UP. Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya – The Other Side of the Road
This is the bomb.
I especially love the part about showing up, even if we don’t get it right.
Hint: That’s where I am at right now. God is so near to us even in these times, but our little hearts ask “how?” “Why?”
Thanks for sharing this.
I will follow her and might add this one as a future read.
It’s light and deep at the same time. I bet she’ll have some preorder goodies with the re-release!
I love Melanie Shankle. Thanks for reminding me about this book. laurensparks.net (PS when I look at link ups and who to visit, I always seem to pick yours without even knowing it’s you. That must mean you do an excellent job with titles or topics. Always appealing to me.)
Awwww…you’re so sweet! I always love finding you here. And it always makes me smile when I click on a linkup and end up in your space!
I have heard so many good things about this book. Thank you for adding your recommendation. I think I need to add this to my TBR list.
I really enjoyed it. And it surprised me how much! I bet they’ll have some good bonuses with preorder for the re-release!
You’ve sold me! We will finally be making our way to the beach at the end of the month and I plan to plop myself in the beach chair and read while the waves crash upon the shore. This sounds like a great book. Thanks for the glowing recommendation!
Bev xx
Yay! I hope you love it!
I just picked this book up! It’s on my TBR pile, but I think I will move it to the top of the pile!
I really enjoyed it! I can’t wait to hear what you think!
This sounds like a good book, I especially liked: “a simple life that revolves around loving your family doesn’t equate to a small life.”
In light of the recent mass shootings in one weekend, one can see how if these shooters were raised in a home where mom and dad loved them and paid attention to their spiritual needs, people would still be alive today.
There is so much value in loving your family well. The recent shootings are tragic and heartbreaking, involving so many pieces of a very big puzzle. I’m so grateful we can come to the Creator and talk to Him about all of our feelings in the process.